You may find this article in English at the end of the Greek version.
Title: Coronavirus on sight....
Φωτογραφία - video: Ζαχαρίας Σκευοφύλαξ
"Αγάπη πρέπει το Σαββατοκύριακο να πάω στην θεία Σοφία και να της πάω τρόφιμα και ότι άλλο μου ζήτησε...γιατί υπάρχει περίπτωση να μην μπορώ να πάω, αν βάλουν κάποια απαγόρευση στην κυκλοφορία...." μου είπε η Σταυρούλα.
"Θέλεις να έρθω κι εγώ???" ρώτησα
"Όχι θα πάω με την αδελφή μου..." απάντησε
"Και πότε θα πάτε???" ρώτησα ξανά
"Θα φύγουμε την Παρασκευή μετά την δουλειά και θα γυρίσουμε Σάββατο βράδυ...." μου απάντησε.
Καταλαβαίνεται τι ευκαιρία μου δινόταν. Σκεφτόμουν να πάω ψάρεμα όσο εκείνες θα έλειπαν. Αλλά που να πήγαινα????
"Έλα Θοδωρή, μου έχει κάτσει μια καλή περίπτωση για διήμερο ψάρεμα. Παρασκευή απόγευμα και Σάββατο όλη ημέρα. Τι λες μπορείς???" ρώτησα τον φίλο μου στο τηλέφωνο.
"Δυστυχώς δεν μπορώ καθόλου αυτό το ΣΚ...." μου απάντησε στεναχωρημένος.
"Λέω αυτήν την φορά να πάω σε άλλο μέρος. ..." του είπα.
"Γιατί δεν πας στο....." μου είπε. (Εννοείται δεν ονομάζουμε τον ψαρότοπο)
"Πολύ καλή ιδέα σου. Ξέρω όμως μόνο ένα μικρό ψαρότοπο εκεί...." του απάντησα και εκείνος μου εξήγησε και μου περιέγραψε που να πήγαινα.
Με το που τελείωσα τις επαγγελματικές μου υποχρεώσεις, τα φόρτωσα όλα κι όπου φύγει-φύγει. Έφτασα μετά από δύο ώρες οδήγησης, ντύθηκα όσο πιο γρήγορα μπορούσα και βούτηξα. Τότε κατάλαβα ότι είχε ξεχάσει να φορέσω τα βαρίδια μου, από την φούρια μου να βουτήξω....
"Είπαμε Ζάχο ότι είμαστε καλοί, αλλά όχι και τόσο καλοί να ψαρεύουμε χωρίς βαρίδια....." είπα στον εαυτό μου γελώντας. Φορτώθηκα τα βαρίδια και βούτηξα ξανά. Τον τόπο δεν τον ήξερα, αλλά ευτυχώς η περιγραφή του Θοδωρή ήταν ακριβέστατη. Ήταν ένας λασπώδης βυθός με φυκιάδες που και πού και φυσικά υπήρχε και η κυρία θολούρα. Ξεκίνησα τα καρτέρια χωρίς πολλά πολλά. Σε διάφορα σημεία δεν έβλεπα τίποτε. Αν έκανα το λάθος και προσγειωνόμουν άτσαλα στον βυθό, σηκωνόταν τόση λάσπη που αναγκαζόμουν να εγκαταλείψω το καρτέρι μου. Σε τέτοιες συνθήκες θα ήταν μάταιο να επιμένω. Για να πιάσω κάποιο ψάρι θα έπρεπε να καρφωθεί μόνο του. Έτσι πρόσεχα όσο μπορούσα όταν προσγειωνόμουν στον βυθό. Σε ένα από τα πολλά καρτέρια προσγειώθηκα απαλά στον βυθό και περίμενα. Έκανα στους ανάλογους θορύβους...... Τα δευτερόλεπτα παιρνούν αλλά τίποτα. Ξαφνικά αντιλαμβάνομαι ότι ένα ψάρι είναι μπροστά μου. Είχε έρθει από τα βαθιά και εγώ δεν το είχα πάρει χαμπάρι. Με το που έκανε να στρίψει, του έριξα. Το σκοινί ξετυλίγεται με φρενίτιδα... Μετά από λίγο έπιασα στα χέρια μου ένα δίκιλο λαβράκι, σπαθάτο ψάρι, χτυπημένο ψιλά στον σβέρκο. Όλος χαρά το πήρα αγκαλιά....
Το τακτοποίησα και προχώρησα παρακάτω. Έκανα πολλά καρτέρια χωρίς να δω τίποτα. Αποφάσισα να προχωρήσω πιο κάτω. Έκανα ένα τελευταίο καρτέρι πριν κολυμπήσω το πιο ερημικό μέρος. Στο τέλος του καρτεριού νόμισα ότι είδα κάτι. Γύρισα το ψαροτούφεκο κι έριξα. Δεν αισθάνθηκα κάποιο τράβηγμα και θεώρησα ότι είχα αστοχίσει. Μαζεύοντας το σκοινί, το ένιωθα βαρύ. Με μεγάλη έκπληξη είδα ότι ένα λαβράκι πάνω από κιλό ήταν στην βέργα. Το είχα πετύχει στον σβέρκο και του είχα σπάσει την σπονδυλική στήλη και έμεινε ξερό, που λένε. Όλος χαρά το πήρα αγκαλιά, το κρέμασα στην σημαδούρα και βγήκα. Αποφάσισα αντί να κολυμπήσω το έρημα κομμάτι, να οδηγήσω και να βουτήξω εκεί που μου είχε πει ο Θοδωρής, για να κερδίσω χρόνο επειδή πλησίαζε το βράδυ. Καθώς κολυμπούσα να βγω, βλέπω ένα μικροσκοπικό καπόνι. Είναι μικρότερο από τα δάκτυλά μου.
Το πλησιάζω κι και αυτό περπατά στον βυθό, ενώ εγώ προσπαθώ να το κάνω να ανοίξει τα πλαϊνά πτερύγιά του, για να φανούν τα υπέροχα χρώματά του. Καθώς το πλησιάζω παίρνει δρόμο και κολυμπά προσπαθώντας να με αποφύγει. Είναι μάλλον τόση η τρομάρα του, που καθώς κολυμπά πάει να περάσει ανάμεσα από δύο ρίζες φυκιών και παγιδεύεται!!! Προσπαθεί να απελευθερωθεί και κουνά την ουρά του με απίστευτη ταχύτητα. Εγώ από τα γέλια κινδυνεύω να πνιγώ. Τελικά απελευθερώνεται και χάνεται στην θολούρα. Βγήκα γελώντας, οδήγησα γρήγορα και βούτηξα. Ο βυθός δεν άλλαξε και πολύ. Το πρώτο μέρος ήταν το ίδιο λασπώδες. Μετά απλωνόταν μια πολύ μεγάλη φυκιάδα. Καρτέρι στο καρτέρι δεν έβλεπα και τίποτε. Προχώρησε και έφτασα σε κάτι πέτρες. Καθώς πλησιάζω και βλέπω μια ουρά. Είναι ουρά σαργού ή μάλλον ούγενας και είναι αρκετά μεγάλη. Δεν ενεργοποιώ την κάμερά μου, μήπως και ο ήχος ενεργοποίησης διώξει το ψάρι που δεν με έχει πάρει χαμπάρι. Πλησιάζω ήσυχα και ρίχνω και πιάνω μια καλή ούγενα.
Έχει και ένα ντουβάρι λίγο πριν την φυκιάδα. Κάνω μια βουτιά και πριν φτάσω στον πάτο, παίρνει δρόμο ένα καλό λαβράκι. Δεν πρόλαβα να κάνω τίποτα. Προσγειώνομαι και καρτερεύω, αλλά το ψάρι δεν ξαναφάνηκε. Έκανα μερικά καρτέρια μήπως και....Έτσι έφτασα στην φυκιάδα. Καρτέρι στο καρτέρι δεν είδα τίποτε. Σε ένα από τα τελευταία, ένα κοπάδι από 5-6 λαβράκια μου ήρθε από πίσω. Αντιλαμβάνομαι τα ψάρια όταν με έχουν προσπεράσει. Γυρίζω ολόκληρος και προλαβαίνω το πιο κοντινό πριν χαθεί στην θολούρα και του ρίχνω. Η βέργα πήγε εκεί που έπρεπε και το λαβράκι τρεμάμενο έπεσε πάνω στα φύκια.
Το μαζεύω όλος χαρά και βγήκα. Είχε αρχίσει να σκοτεινιάζει κι εγώ ήμουν αρκετά κουρασμένος. Άλλαξα και την έπεσα στους μεζέδες της Σταυρούλας. Έτρεχαν να σωθούν, αλλά που τέτοια τύχη. Κατόπιν χώθηκα μέσα στον υπνόσακό μου και ο Μορφέας με ταξίδεψε σε άγνωστους κόσμους.....
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Το πρώτο της ημέρας.... |
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Το μικροσκοπικό καπόνι... |
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Καλώς την..... |
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Άλλο ένα... |
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Τα της πρώτης μέρας.... |
Ξύπνησα χαράματα, ντύθηκα βαριεστημένα λόγω του κρύου και της βρεγμένης στολής και βούτηξα από εκεί που είχα σταματήσει το ψάρεμα χτες. Η θολούρα παρούσα και σε ένα καρτέρι νόμισα ότι είδα κάτι. Χωρίς δεύτερη σκέψη, πάτησα την σκανδάλη και έπιασα ένα λαβράκι πάνω από κιλό (1,2 κιλά). Προχώρησα λίγο πιο κάτω και ο βυθός έκανε ένα απότομο κόψιμο.
"Ωραίο μέρος για καρτέρι..." σκέφτηκα. Πήρα μια βαθιά ανάσα και βούτηξα. Περίμενα στον βυθό...Μετά από λίγο μου ήρθε ένας κέφαλος με μεγάλη ταχύτητα και με προσπέρασε. Δεν πτοήθηκα, γιατί δεν ήθελα να πιάσω κέφαλο σε αυτό το μέρος και παρέμεινα στο καρτέρι μου περιμένοντας κάτι καλύτερο. Μετά από λίγο εμφανίστηκε ψιλά ένα δίκιλο λαβράκι. Το ψάρι μου ήρθε από ψηλά, όπως και ο κέφαλος, μόνο που εγώ ήμουν έτοιμος. Σημάδεψα και του έριξα. Το λαβράκι πήρε αρκετό σκοινί, αλλά μετά από λίγο το πήρα αγκαλιά.
Στα επόμενα καρτέρια μου ήρθαν μεσαίες μουρμούρες. Δεν έριξα γιατί έψαχνα για λαβράκια ή κάτι μεγάλο. Προχώρησα και βρήκα μια μεγάλη φυκιάδα. Καρτέρι στο καρτέρι, είδα πολλά μικρά και μεσαία ψάρια τα με οποία δεν ασχολήθηκα. Καθώς κολυμπώ στην επιφάνεια, παρατηρώ κάτι που δεν ταιριάζει και τόσο με τα φύκια. Η θολούρα δεν μου επιτρέπει να δω καθαρά τι είναι. Βουτώ και κάνω ένα καρτέρι λίγο πιο μακριά. Συνειδητοποιώ ότι μάλλον είναι μια σουπιά. Σημαδεύω και ρίχνω και την πιάνω ίσα-ίσα από μια πετσούλα στην πλάτη της.
Λίγο πιο κάτω, διακρίνω μια άλλη σουπιά να απλώνει τα πλοκάμια της για να με τρομάξει, μεγαλώνοντας τον όγκο της. Σημαδεύω και πατώ την σκανδάλη. Η βέργα πλήττει καίρια την σουπιά, η οποία αφήνει μελάνι και είναι ελεύθερη???!!! Η σουπιά χώνεται μέσα στην θολούρα του μελανιού της. Βουτώ όλος έκπληξη και την πιάνω με τα χάρια μου. Η βολή μου ήταν πολύ καλή. Πως απελευθερώθηκε όμως η σουπιά??? Την τακτοποιώ στην ψαροβελόνα μου, αλλά η βέργα μου είναι άφαντη. Ψάχνοντας την βρίσκω να κείται στον βυθό και η πετονιά είναι κομμένη.
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Το μεγάλο της ημέρας.... |
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Η άτυχη σουπιά... |
"Γι' αυτό πήρε δρόμο, παρόλο που η βολή μου ήταν στο κεφάλι της...." σκέφτηκα. Έκανα μερικά καρτέρια και βγήκα. Οδήγησα μερικά χιλιόμετρα και βούτηξα. Εδώ η ορατότητα ήταν πολύ καλύτερη. Έκανα πολλά καρτέρια χωρίς να δω κάτι καλό. Σε μια στιγμή, από κάτω μου κολυμπά ένας κέφαλος ο όποιος, μάλλον δεν με έχει πάρει χαμπάρι. Βουτώ πάνω του, όσο πιο ήσυχα μπορώ και του ρίχνω. Έπιασα έναν κέφαλο λίγο πιο κάτω από κιλό (870 γρ.).
"Πάλι καλά..." είπα και προχώρησα. Σε ένα καρτέρι μου ήρθαν λαβράκια. Στην αρχή δύο και μόλις πέρασαν μου ήρθε άλλο ένα. Τα ψάρια ήταν λίγο πιο κάτω από κιλό κι έτσι δεν έριξα. Συνέχισα και βρήκα πεταμένα λάστιχα αυτοκινήτων στην άμμο. Έκανα μια βουτιά και κρύφτηκα όσο μπορούσα ανάμεσα στα λάστιχα. Μου ήρθαν από τα αριστερά ένα κοπάδι σάλπες. Καθώς τις χάζευα, κοίταξα δεξιά μου και είχε έρθει ένα κοπαδάκι από λαβράκια. Ήταν 5-6 ψάρια και το προπορευόμενο ήταν το πιο μεγάλο και με είχε προσπεράσει. Ήταν μακρινή βολή και για να μην τρομάξω το κοπάδι, δίστασα να ρίξω. Όμως το τελευταίο ψάρι του κοπαδιού, ήταν ένα γοφάρι. Σημάδεψα και του έριξα από μακριά. Η βέργα το βρήκε χαμηλά στην κοιλιά και αυτό εξαφανίστηκε με απίστευτη ταχύτητα. Δεν κόντραρα το ψάρι για να μην σκιστεί. Μου πήρε αρκετά λεπτά για να καταφέρω να το πιάσω.
Ήταν ένα γοφάρι 1,7 κιλών. Εκεί τελείωσε και το ψάρεμά μου. Αν και είχα μισή μέρα ακόμη, θεώρησα ότι ήταν ώρα να γυρίσω σπίτι.
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Το γοφάρι... |
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Τα της δεύτερης ημέρας... |
Μετά από οκτώ μέρες στην όμορφη Ελλάδα μας επιβλήθηκε απαγόρευση της κυκλοφορίας λόγω κορωνοϊού....
Υ.Γ.1 Υπάρχει όμως ένα ψάρεμα ενδιάμεσο, πριν την απαγόρευση. Θα τα πούμε στο επόμενο άρθρο...
Υ.Γ.2 Καλό Πάσχα και καλή Ανάσταση σε όλους υπό τις ειδικές συνθήκες φέτος. Εύχωμαι φίλοι μου, εσείς και οι οικογένειές σας να είστε καλά. Είμαστε λαός της υπερβολής, αλλά και με πολύ φιλότιμο. Αν κοιτάξουμε πόσοι συνάνθρωποί μας φεύγουν από τροχαία ατυχήματα σε ένα χρόνο ή από την απλή εποχική γρύπη..... τότε θα καταλάβουμε ότι η τρομοκρατία του κορωνοϊού δεν την χτειαζόμαστε στην ζωή μας. Το ξαναλέω, δεν χρειαζόμαστε την υπερβολή στην παρούσα φάση. Να προσέχουμε ναι, τρομολαγνεία όχι...και μακριά από τις ειδήσεις της TV...και ο νοών νοείτω... Καλές γιορτές...
"Love, I have to go to aunt Sofia this weekend to bring groceries and whatever else she asked me to do ... because there is a chance that I won't be able to do it later, if the government puts a ban on traffic due to coronavirus ..." Stavroula told me.
Υ.Γ.2 Καλό Πάσχα και καλή Ανάσταση σε όλους υπό τις ειδικές συνθήκες φέτος. Εύχωμαι φίλοι μου, εσείς και οι οικογένειές σας να είστε καλά. Είμαστε λαός της υπερβολής, αλλά και με πολύ φιλότιμο. Αν κοιτάξουμε πόσοι συνάνθρωποί μας φεύγουν από τροχαία ατυχήματα σε ένα χρόνο ή από την απλή εποχική γρύπη..... τότε θα καταλάβουμε ότι η τρομοκρατία του κορωνοϊού δεν την χτειαζόμαστε στην ζωή μας. Το ξαναλέω, δεν χρειαζόμαστε την υπερβολή στην παρούσα φάση. Να προσέχουμε ναι, τρομολαγνεία όχι...και μακριά από τις ειδήσεις της TV...και ο νοών νοείτω... Καλές γιορτές...
Translation of he above article.
Title: Coronavirus on sight....
Photo-video: Zacharias Skevofilax
"Love, I have to go to aunt Sofia this weekend to bring groceries and whatever else she asked me to do ... because there is a chance that I won't be able to do it later, if the government puts a ban on traffic due to coronavirus ..." Stavroula told me.
"Do you want me to come too ???" I asked
"No, I'll go with my sister ..." she replied
"And when will you go ???" I asked again
"We will leave on Friday after work and we will return on Saturday night ..." she replied.
You realise what opportunity was given to me. I had the chanse to go spearfishing as long as they were going to aunt Sophia. But where should I go ????
"Ηι Theodore, I am free for spearfishing for couple days. Friday afternoon and Saturday all day. Are you able to.... ??? " I asked my friend on the telephone.
"Unfortunately, I can't go this weekend at all ... " he replied sadly
"I was thinking to go somewhere else ..." I told him.
"Why don't you go to ....." he told me. (Of course I can not reveal the fishing ground...)
"Very good idea. But I only know a small fishing spot there ..." I replied and he explained and described in details where I should I spearfish.
As soon as I finished all my obligations, I loaded my diving gear and hit the road. I arrived after driving for two hours, got dressed as fast as I could and dove. Then I realized that I had forgotten to put on my diving weights, from my mania to dive ...
"Zac, you are good, but not so good to fish without diving weights ..." I said to myself laughing. I put on the weights and dove again. I did not know this fishing ground, but fortunately Theodore's description was very accurate. It was a muddy seabed with seaweeds here and there and of course lady blur was present. I started the ambushes at once. At various points I saw nothing. Whenever I made the mistake and landed awkwardly on the muddy bottom, so much mud would rise that I had to stop my ambush. In such circumstances it would be useless to continue ambushing. In order to catch a fish, it had to run into my spear by itself. So I was careful as much as I could when I was landing on the seabed. In one of the many ambushes, I landed gently on the bottom and waited. I made the soft noises ...... The seconds were passing but nothing appeared. Suddenly I realized that a fish was in front of me. It had come from the deep and I hadn't seen it. As soon as it turned to leave, I pulled the trigger. The rope of the speargun was unreeling with frenzy ... After a while I had in my hands a two kilo sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax), a long but slim fish, that my spear had stuck it just behind its neck. Full of joy I took in my arms....
(1st picture: The first one of the day....) I arranged it in my fish holder and continued fishing. I did a lot of ambushes without seeing anything. I decided to go further. I did one last ambush before swimming in the most desolate place. At the end of the ambush I thought I saw something. I turned the speargun and pulled the trigger. I didn't feel anything on the speargun's rope and so I thought I had missed. Reeling in the rope, I felt it heavy. To my great surprise I saw that a sea bass over a kilo was on the spear. I had shot it in the neck and its spine was broken and the fish remained motionless on the seabed. I took it with full joy joy in my arms, hung it on the buoy and went out. Instead of swimming through the "desert", I decided to drive instead and dive where Theodoris had told me. This would save me time as night was approaching. As I swam out, I saw a teeny tiny sea robin (Chelidonichthys spinosus). It was much smaller than my finger. (2nd picture: teeny tiny sea robin !!!). I approached it and it started walking on the bottom. I approached it again, in order to force it to open its side fins, to show its wonderful colors. As I got closer, it started swimming, trying to avoid me. It probably got so scary, that speeded up, trying to pass between two roots of seaweed and got trapped !!! It tried to free itself by swinging its tail with incredible speed. I started laughing and almost got drowned. Eventually freed itself and got lost in the blur. I went out laughing, drove and dove again. The seabed did not changed much. The first part was just as muddy. Then a very large area covered with seaweeds appeared in front of me. I started ambushing but I didn't see anything. Moving on and I reached a stony sea floor. As I approach this new fishing ground, I saw a fish tail behind a rock. It was the tail of a whit sea bream (Diplodus sargus) or rather a sharpsnout sea-bream (Diplodus putanzzo) and was quite big. I did not turn on my camera, fearing the sound of the activation could drive away the fish that had not realised my presence. I approached quietly and shot it and caught a good size sharpsnout sea-bream. (3rd picture: Well come...). Near by there was a man-made wall just before the seaweeds. I dove and before I reached the bottom, a good sea bass took off. I continued my descent, landed on the sea floor and waited, but the fish never reappeared. I did some ambushes, maybe it would..... and I reached the seaweeds. I continued spearfishing for a while, but I saw nothing. In one of the last ambushes, a herd of 5-6 sea basses appreached me from behind. I realized their presence, when they had passed me. I turned around and shot the nearest one before it got lost in the blur. The spear went where I aimed to go and the sea bass trembling, fell on the seaweed.
(4th picture: One more...). I picked the fish from the seabed and full of joy and went out. It was getting dark and I was pretty tired. I changed and devoured Stavroula's appetizers. They tried to escape, but they did not have much luck. Then I got into my sleeping bag and Morpheus took me on a journey into unknown worlds..... (5th picture: First day catches...)
I woke up at dawn, got dressed sadly because of the cold and wet spearfishing uniform and dove from where I had stopped fishing yesterday. The blur was present and in a ambush I thought I saw something. Without a second thought, I pulled the trigger and caught a sea bass over a kilo (1.2 kilo). I swam a little further down and the seabed had a sharp drop.
You realise what opportunity was given to me. I had the chanse to go spearfishing as long as they were going to aunt Sophia. But where should I go ????
"Ηι Theodore, I am free for spearfishing for couple days. Friday afternoon and Saturday all day. Are you able to.... ??? " I asked my friend on the telephone.
"Unfortunately, I can't go this weekend at all ... " he replied sadly
"I was thinking to go somewhere else ..." I told him.
"Why don't you go to ....." he told me. (Of course I can not reveal the fishing ground...)
"Very good idea. But I only know a small fishing spot there ..." I replied and he explained and described in details where I should I spearfish.
As soon as I finished all my obligations, I loaded my diving gear and hit the road. I arrived after driving for two hours, got dressed as fast as I could and dove. Then I realized that I had forgotten to put on my diving weights, from my mania to dive ...
"Zac, you are good, but not so good to fish without diving weights ..." I said to myself laughing. I put on the weights and dove again. I did not know this fishing ground, but fortunately Theodore's description was very accurate. It was a muddy seabed with seaweeds here and there and of course lady blur was present. I started the ambushes at once. At various points I saw nothing. Whenever I made the mistake and landed awkwardly on the muddy bottom, so much mud would rise that I had to stop my ambush. In such circumstances it would be useless to continue ambushing. In order to catch a fish, it had to run into my spear by itself. So I was careful as much as I could when I was landing on the seabed. In one of the many ambushes, I landed gently on the bottom and waited. I made the soft noises ...... The seconds were passing but nothing appeared. Suddenly I realized that a fish was in front of me. It had come from the deep and I hadn't seen it. As soon as it turned to leave, I pulled the trigger. The rope of the speargun was unreeling with frenzy ... After a while I had in my hands a two kilo sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax), a long but slim fish, that my spear had stuck it just behind its neck. Full of joy I took in my arms....
(1st picture: The first one of the day....) I arranged it in my fish holder and continued fishing. I did a lot of ambushes without seeing anything. I decided to go further. I did one last ambush before swimming in the most desolate place. At the end of the ambush I thought I saw something. I turned the speargun and pulled the trigger. I didn't feel anything on the speargun's rope and so I thought I had missed. Reeling in the rope, I felt it heavy. To my great surprise I saw that a sea bass over a kilo was on the spear. I had shot it in the neck and its spine was broken and the fish remained motionless on the seabed. I took it with full joy joy in my arms, hung it on the buoy and went out. Instead of swimming through the "desert", I decided to drive instead and dive where Theodoris had told me. This would save me time as night was approaching. As I swam out, I saw a teeny tiny sea robin (Chelidonichthys spinosus). It was much smaller than my finger. (2nd picture: teeny tiny sea robin !!!). I approached it and it started walking on the bottom. I approached it again, in order to force it to open its side fins, to show its wonderful colors. As I got closer, it started swimming, trying to avoid me. It probably got so scary, that speeded up, trying to pass between two roots of seaweed and got trapped !!! It tried to free itself by swinging its tail with incredible speed. I started laughing and almost got drowned. Eventually freed itself and got lost in the blur. I went out laughing, drove and dove again. The seabed did not changed much. The first part was just as muddy. Then a very large area covered with seaweeds appeared in front of me. I started ambushing but I didn't see anything. Moving on and I reached a stony sea floor. As I approach this new fishing ground, I saw a fish tail behind a rock. It was the tail of a whit sea bream (Diplodus sargus) or rather a sharpsnout sea-bream (Diplodus putanzzo) and was quite big. I did not turn on my camera, fearing the sound of the activation could drive away the fish that had not realised my presence. I approached quietly and shot it and caught a good size sharpsnout sea-bream. (3rd picture: Well come...). Near by there was a man-made wall just before the seaweeds. I dove and before I reached the bottom, a good sea bass took off. I continued my descent, landed on the sea floor and waited, but the fish never reappeared. I did some ambushes, maybe it would..... and I reached the seaweeds. I continued spearfishing for a while, but I saw nothing. In one of the last ambushes, a herd of 5-6 sea basses appreached me from behind. I realized their presence, when they had passed me. I turned around and shot the nearest one before it got lost in the blur. The spear went where I aimed to go and the sea bass trembling, fell on the seaweed.
(4th picture: One more...). I picked the fish from the seabed and full of joy and went out. It was getting dark and I was pretty tired. I changed and devoured Stavroula's appetizers. They tried to escape, but they did not have much luck. Then I got into my sleeping bag and Morpheus took me on a journey into unknown worlds..... (5th picture: First day catches...)
I woke up at dawn, got dressed sadly because of the cold and wet spearfishing uniform and dove from where I had stopped fishing yesterday. The blur was present and in a ambush I thought I saw something. Without a second thought, I pulled the trigger and caught a sea bass over a kilo (1.2 kilo). I swam a little further down and the seabed had a sharp drop.
"Nice place for an ambush ..." I thought. I took a deep breath and dove. I was waiting at the bottom ... After a while a mullet (Mugil cephalus) swam towards me with great speed and disappeared in the blur. I was not discouraged, because I did not want to catch a mullet in this place and continued waiting at the seabed for something better. After a while a two kilos sea bass appeared. The fish came from above, just like the mullet, but I was ready. I aimed and pulled the trigger. The sea bass swam violently and unreeled a lot of rope, but after a while I grabbed it.(6th picture: The biggest of the day!!!). In the next ambush medium striped sea-bream (Lithognathus mormyrus) appeared. I didn't bather them, because I was looking for sea bass or something bigger. I went ahead and found a large area covered by seaweeds. In several ambushes, I saw many small and medium-sized fish that I did not bother them. As I was swimming on the surface, I notice something that did not quite match with the seaweed. The blury waters did not allow me to see clearly what it was. I dove and ambushed a bit further away. I realized that it was probably a common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis). I aimed and pulled the trigger. The spear pearsed the cuttlefish barely by skin of its back.(7th picture: The unlucky cuttlefish...) A little further down, I saw another cuttlefish spreading its tentacles to scare me, by looking bigger. I aimed and pulled the trigger. The spear hits the cuttlefish on its head, which threw its ink all over but got free ??? !!! The cuttlefish hid in the blur of its ink. Full of surprise, I dove and caught her with my hands. My shot was perfect. But how was the cuttlefish released ??? I put it on my fish hanger, but my spear is missing. Looking for it, I found it lying on the sea floor and the spear's line was cut.
"That's why it got free, even though my shot was in its head ..." I thought. I ambushed few more times and went out. I drove a few kilometers and dove. Here the visibility was much better. I did a lot of ambushes without seeing anything good. As I was swimming on the surface, below me there was a mullet swimming and it seems it did not realised my presence. I dove on it as quietly as possible and shot it. I caught a mullet that was just below a kilo (870 gr).
"Well done ..." I said and swam further. Some sea bass approached my next ambush. At the beginning they were two and as soon as they passed, another one approached me. The fish were a little less than a kilo so I didn't bother them. I continued and found discarded car tires on the sandy bottom. I dove and hid as good as I could among the tires. A flock of salema porgy (Sarpa salpa) came to me from the left. As I was staring them, I looked to my right and a flock of sea bass had arrived. They were 5-6 fish and the first one was the biggest one and it was a bit far away from me. It was a long shot and in order not to scare the herd, I hesitated to pull the trigger. But the last fish in the herd was a bluefish (Temnodom saltator). I aimed as bst as i could and pulled the trigger, even thought it was quite far away. The spear stroke it low in the abdomen and it disappeared with incredible speed. I did not put any pressure on the fish so that it would not be torn. It took me several minutes to catch it. It was a 1.7 kg bluefish. (8th picture: The bluefish...). That's where the fishing ended. Although I still had half a day, I thought it was time to go home.
After eight days in beautiful Greece, we were banned from traveling due to a coronavirus.... (9th picture: Second day catches...)
PS1. However, there is an intermediate fishing just before the ban, but that is my next article .....
"Well done ..." I said and swam further. Some sea bass approached my next ambush. At the beginning they were two and as soon as they passed, another one approached me. The fish were a little less than a kilo so I didn't bother them. I continued and found discarded car tires on the sandy bottom. I dove and hid as good as I could among the tires. A flock of salema porgy (Sarpa salpa) came to me from the left. As I was staring them, I looked to my right and a flock of sea bass had arrived. They were 5-6 fish and the first one was the biggest one and it was a bit far away from me. It was a long shot and in order not to scare the herd, I hesitated to pull the trigger. But the last fish in the herd was a bluefish (Temnodom saltator). I aimed as bst as i could and pulled the trigger, even thought it was quite far away. The spear stroke it low in the abdomen and it disappeared with incredible speed. I did not put any pressure on the fish so that it would not be torn. It took me several minutes to catch it. It was a 1.7 kg bluefish. (8th picture: The bluefish...). That's where the fishing ended. Although I still had half a day, I thought it was time to go home.
After eight days in beautiful Greece, we were banned from traveling due to a coronavirus.... (9th picture: Second day catches...)
PS1. However, there is an intermediate fishing just before the ban, but that is my next article .....
PS2. Happy Easter and Happy Resurrection to all, under the special circumstances this year. I wish to you my friends and your families to be well. Greeks are people of exaggeration, but also with a lot of filotimo If we look at how many of our fellow human beings are dieing by car accidents in one year or how many from the common seasonal flu ..... then it is understandable that the terror of the coronavirus should not haunting our lives. I repeat, we do not need to exaggerate at this stage. Let's be careful, yes, feared not ... and stay away from the news of TV ... and no more needs to be said ... Happy Holidays ...
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