Title: Scotland...An unexpected journey...
You may find this article in English at the end of the Greek version.
Φωτογραφία-video: Ζαχαρίας Σκευοφύλαξ, Σοφία Σκευοφύλακα, Gosia Kubalczyk & Federica Chiti.
Λόγω των αναπάντεχων καταστάσεων, τα Πασχαλινά άρθρα της Καρπάθου θα τα διαβάσετε στην επόμενη ανάρτησή μου....
Το ραντεβού είχε κλειστεί αρκετές εβδομάδες πριν. Μόλις έγινε γνωστό πότε θα γίνει το δείπνο, άρχισαν και οι προετοιμασίες. Το πλάνο ήταν ότι θα πήγαινα με την Σταυρούλα, επίσημοι καλεσμένοι, στο δείπνο που θα παρέθετε η πρόεδρος του Dundee Student Association, που δεν ήταν άλλη από την Σοφία. Όμως οι επερχόμενες εκλογές μας χάλασαν τα σχέδια. Ένα μήνα πριν τις εκλογές αναστάλθηκαν όλες οι άδειες των δημοσίων υπαλλήλων, όπως γίνεται σε κάθε εκλογές, κι έτσι η Σταυρούλα έμεινε πίσω. Δυστυχώς έπρεπε να πάω μόνος μου. Έτσι την δεύτερη πρόσκληση για το δείπνο, πήρε η μητέρα της Σοφίας. Μετά από μια τετράωρη πτήση έφτασα αργά το βράδυ, στο Εδιμβούργο κι από εκεί ήρθε και με πήρε η Σοφία, για να καταλήξουμε στο Dundee.
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Γεια σου Σκωτία... |
Το επόμενο πρωινό, είχε αρκετό τρέξιμο μέχρι να είναι όλα έτοιμα.Έπεσαν πολλές χειραψίες μιας και δεν ήξεραν τον μπαμπά της προέδρου κι όλοι ήθελαν να με γνωρίσουν. Τελικά η μεγάλη στιγμή ήρθε και όλοι μαζί προσήλθαμε στην αίθουσα. Εκεί η απαστράπτουσα πρόεδρος μας καλωσόρισε και καθίσαμε στις θέσεις μας, οπότε ξεκίνησε το δείπνο. Περίπου 110 καλεσμένοι, που ήταν εξέχουσες προσωπικότητες του πανεπιστημίου Dundee για το 2019, είτε λόγω θέσεις, είτε λόγω επιτευγμάτων τους κατά την ακαδημαϊκή χρονιά ήταν παρόντες. Όταν είχαμε τελειώσει με το φαγητό μας, ξεκίνησε και το κυρίως μενού της βραδιάς. Η Σοφία σηκώθηκε και έβγαλε τον λόγο της. (Το πρωί την ίδιας ημέρας μου τον είχε διαβάσει. Τουλάχιστον έτσι νόμιζα. Το άτιμο για παιδί, μου είχε κρύψει ένα κομμάτι από τον λόγο της.). Έτσι λοιπόν ενώ ξεκίνησε όπως ήξερα τον λόγο της, ευχαριστώντας έναν-έναν ονομαστικώς τους συνεργάτες της, μίλησε για το τι κατάφεραν όλοι μαζί, τονίζοντας ιδιαίτερα την ομαδική προσπάθεια όλων, το γύρισε ευχαριστώντας τον πατέρα της, την μητέρα της και την Σταυρούλα....
Έμεινα άναυδος, άφωνος και συγκινημένος. Καθώς συνέχιζε την ομιλία της, παρατήρησα τον εαυτόν μου πολύ υπερήφανο, κατασυγκινημένο να κάθομαι στην σκιά της προέδρου και ταυτόχρονα κόρης μου. Έκλεισε τον λόγο της καταχειροκροτούμενη από όλους τους παρόντες που χειροκροτούσαν όρθιοι.... Κατόπιν πήρε την σκυτάλη ο γενικός γραμματέας του πανεπιστημίου του Dundee Dr.. Jim McGeorge, όπου αφού επαίνεσε την πρόεδρο και το επιτελείο της, λέγοντας τέτοιες επιτυχίες δεν έχουν επιτευχθεί κατά το παρελθόν (1ο στην Σκωτία στο student experience (σε τέσσερις διαφορετικούς τομείς) καθώς και 2ο, 4ο, 7ο και 10ο στην Μεγάλη Βρετανία), Κλείνοντας μας ανακοίνωσε τα τελευταία αποτελέσματα της έρευνας σε όλο τον κόσμο μεταξύ 189 πανεπιστημίων στο International Student Barometer, είπε ότι στους ομίλους και στους αθλητικούς ομίλους το Dundee κατάφερε και βγήκε πρώτο στον κόσμο!!! Μετά σειρά είχαν οι αντιπρόεδροι. Ένας - ένας οι αντιπρόεδροι αφού έβγαλαν τους λόγους τους, βράβευσαν ο καθένας στον τομέα τους τους καλύτερους φοιτητές και συλλόγους. Στο τέλος κάλεσαν πάνω στο βήμα την Σοφία και όλοι μαζί έγιναν μια αγκαλιά, δείχνοντας και έμπρακτα ότι ήταν πραγματικά μια δεμένη και καλοκουρδισμένη δυνατή ομάδα. Της έδωσαν μια υπέροχη ανθοδέσμη και ένα δώρο. Η βραδιά έκλεισε όταν η Σοφία μας κάλεσε όλους να βγούμε στον ειδικά διαμορφωμένο διάδρομο, όπου υπήρχε μια προβολή έκπληξη για όλη την ομάδα της. Αυτό βοήθησε στο να καθαριστεί η αίθουσα όπου θα συνεχιζόταν το πάρτι και ο χορός. Με το που τελείωσε η προβολή βγήκαν και οι φωτογραφίες και όλοι μαζί πήγαμε στην αίθουσα για το γλέντι. Ήταν ήδη πολύ αργά ή μάλλον πολύ νωρίς το πρωί, εγώ αποχαιρέτησα και άφησα τους υπόλοιπους να το γλεντήσουν. Τόπο στα νιάτα που λέμε....
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Μαζί με τον βασιλικό... |
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Το V&A and Discovery. |
Και τα δύο είναι από τα πιο υπέροχα στολίδια της πόλης. Μετά περπατήσαμε και φτάσαμε στο μουσείο McManus.
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Το μουσείο McManus. |
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Το Dundee πανοραμικά... |
Βέβαια όπως ξέρετε το blog μου δεν είναι για κοινωνικές συνευρέσεις, όσο σπουδαίες και αν είναι. Άλλωστε το λέει και ο τίτλος του: " Πάμε για ψάρεμα....". Έτσι δεν θα μπορούσε να λείψει και το στοιχείο της θάλασσας ή του νερού γενικά από αυτή την περιγραφή. Την επομένη το πρωί πήραμε το τραίνο, η Σοφία, η κολλητή της Gosia κι εγώ για το North Queensferry.
Περάσαμε από τα καταπράσινα και όχι μόνο λιβάδια της Σκοτίας και σε λιγότερο από μια ώρα φτάσαμε εκεί που θέλαμε, στο Deep Sea World. Είναι ένα ενυδρείο που έχει διάφορα είδη ψαριών, φόκιες, φίδια κλπ. Το μεγαλύτερο μέρος του αποτελείται από μια δεξαμενή όπου από κάτω της περνάει ένα τούνελ από γυαλί για να μπορεί ο επισκέπτης να δει τα ψάρια να κολυμπούν από πάνω και δίπλα σου. Μέσα στην κυρίως δεξαμενή υπήρχαν πολλά λαβράκια, κάποια ψάρια ήταν περίπου 10 κιλά χωρίς υπερβολή, τσιπούρες, διάφορα είδη σαλαχιών, κέφαλοι, σκουμπριά και φυσικά καρχαρίες. Υπήρχαν μικροί καρχαρίες σκυλιόρινος ο σκυλούλης (γνωστός και ως σκυλοψαράκι, κουτάβι και γάτος) (με τις γνωστές βούλες στο δέρμα του) και επτά μεγάλοι καρχαρίες τίγρεις άμμου. Για αυτούς είχαμε έρθει. Πήγαμε εκεί που κανόνισε η Σοφία να πάμε και μετά από μια σύντομη κουβέντα με τους υπεύθυνους ετοιμαστήκαμε. Θα ρωτάτε τι;;; Μα τι άλλο από το να βουτήξουμε με μπουκάλες. Ο εκπαιδευτής μας λεγόταν Maciek. Ήρεμα μας εξήγησε με λεπτομέρειες τα πάντα. Μετά πλησιάζαμε στην πισίνα όπου θα βάζαμε τις στολές μας. Μαζί μας ήταν κι ένας Σκωτσέζος ονόματι Andy. Χαιρετηθήκαμε και ξεκινήσαμε. Όμως ένας καρχαρίας σκυλιόρινος ο σκυλούλης μας επισκέφθηκε. Ο Maciek μας είπε ότι μπορούσαμε να τον χαϊδέψουμε και μικρός καρχαρίας όλο νάζι έκανε πως δεν του άρεσε, αλλά όλο και γύριζε πίσω για ένα χαδάκι ακόμη!!! Ντυθήκαμε με στεγανές στολές. Νοστάλγησα την ελαστικότητα των στολών μου. Αυτή ήταν πολύ σκληρή κι αισθανόμουν σαν αστροναύτης. Φορέσαμε και τις μπουκάλες κι εκεί μας έκανε ένα γρήγορο μάθημα με διάφορες απαραίτητες ασκήσεις ο Maciek για να έχουμε μια ασφαλή κατάδυση. Προχωρήσαμε στην πλατφόρμα κατάδυσης και ο Maciek ζήτησε έναν εθελοντή για να καταδυθεί πρώτος. Φυσικά πήγα εγώ, μετά η Σοφία και τέλος ο Andy. Την παρέα έκλεινε μια άλλη εκπαιδεύτρια η Kate. Μας είχε προειδοποιήσει o Maciek ότι με το που θα ακομπούσαμε στο βυθό, θα μαζεύονταν οι μεγάλοι καρχαρίες γιατί θα νόμιζαν ότι θα τους ταΐζαμε. Έτσι κι έγινε. Με το που βούτηξα ο Maciek μου είπε να περιμένω τους υπόλοιπους και ενεργοποίησα την υποβρύχια κάμερά μου. Ήρθαν δυο δίμετροι καρχαρίες τίγρης άμμου και έφυγαν κολυμπώντας ήρεμοι. Κοιτάζοντας δεξιά-αριστερά για να πάρω κάποια καλά πλάνα, παρατήρησα αριστερά και μακριά μου μια μεγάλη σκιά να πλησιάζει. Ταυτόχρονα η Σοφία που είχε κατέβει μου έδειχνε να κοιτάξω επάνω. Εκείνη την στιγμή περνούσε ένας ακόμη υπέροχα μεγάλος καρχαρίας τίγρης άμμου. Τράβηξα το πλάνο και γύρισα προς τα αριστερά μου, να δω την σκιά που πλησίαζε.
Ένας ακόμη μεγάλος καρχαρίας πέρασε δίπλα μου, και κοιτώντας προς την μεριά της σκιάς,αντί για την σκιά, ήταν πια ευδιάκριτη η παρουσία ενός πολύ μεγάλου ψαριού. Ήταν ο μεγαλύτερος καρχαρίας τίγρης άμμου ονόματι Τίνκερβελ (από το παραμύθι με τον Πίτερ Παν). Η Τίνκερβελ έχει μήκος 3,2 μέτρα και ζυγίζει περίπου 200 κιλά. Πλησίασε αρκετά, αλλά δυστυχώς έστριψε αρκετά μακριά μας. Γυρίζω να δω από την άλλη μεριά να δω πως είναι η Σοφία, κι ένας ακόμη καρχαρίας περνά από δίπλα μου. Δεν έχουν περάσει τα τρία πρώτα λεπτά και όλοι οι μεγάλοι καρχαρίες τίγρεις άμμου ήρθαν κοντά να μας υποδεχτούν. Σαλάχια κολυμπούν γύρω μας, κέφαλοι μας κοιτάζουν, αλλά τα λαβράκια στέκονται μακριά. Οι καρχαρίες σκυλιόρινος ο σκυλούλης περνούν δίπλα μας και πολλές φορές ανάμεσα από τα πόδια μας. Οι διάφοροι επισκέπτες μας κοιτούν μέσα από το τούνελ αποσβολωμένοι. Είμαι σίγουρος ότι οι περισσότεροι μας θεωρούν τρελούς. Όλα αυτά υπό την άγρυπνη ματιά του Maciek και της Kate ρωτώντας μας αν όλα είναι καλά με την νοηματική γλώσσα των δυτών και εξετάζοντας τα επίπεδα αέρα μέσα στις μπουκάλες του καθενός μας αρκετά συχνά. Οι καρχαρίες περνούσαν κι εγώ γύρισα να δω πως είναι η Σοφία.
Εκείνη μου έστελνε καρδούλες ενώνοντας τα χέρια της. Όλα καλά λοιπόν. Εστιαζόμουν σε έναν καρχαρία και δεν έβλεπα τους άλλους μέχρι που περνούσαν από μπροστά μας. Ήμουν εκστασιασμένος από το μεγαλείο αυτών των πλασμάτων. Είναι η πρώτη φορά που βλέπω καρχαρίες ενώ κολυμπώ, τόσο κοντά. Μια φορά έχω δει σε ένα ψάρεμα και αφού έκανε έναν κύκλο από κάτω μας και βαθιά, ίσα που φαινόταν το περίγραμμά του, και εξαφανίστηκε. Ο Maciek μας κάνει σήμα να προχωρήσουμε. Καθώς προχωράμε στον βυθό, μεταξύ των άλλων ψαριών, υπάρχουν τρις καρχαρίες στα δεξιά μας και άλλοι δύο μπροστά μας. Ένας άλλος καρχαρίας τίγρης άμμου αποφασίζει να περάσει ανάμεσα σε εμένα και τον Maciek ψάχνοντας για κάποιο σνακ;;; Η συμπεριφορά του μου φάνηκε διαφορετική από όσους είχα δει μέχρι τότε. Απομακρυνθήκαμε ο ένας από τον άλλον, αφήνοντας χώρο στην αυτού μεγαλειότητα του, να περάσει. Έκανε έναν κύκλο και απομακρύνθηκε.
Είχαμε φτάσει στα μισά της υπέροχης διαδρομής και ο Maciek πήδηξε κάποια βράχια για να γυρίσουμε από την άλλη μεριά του ενυδρείου, όπως μας είχε πει κατά την διάρκεια της εκπαίδευσής μας. Μου έκανε νόημα να περιμένω γιατί περνούσε ένας ακόμη καρχαρίας τίγρης άμμου, ακολουθούμενος από ένα σαλάχι. Μετά περίμενα να δούμε τι θα έκανε ένας άλλος καρχαρίας που ήταν στην πλάτη του Maciek. Μόλις άλλαξε πορεία πέρασα εγώ, αλλά η Σοφία ο Andy και Kate, έπρεπε να περιμένουν γιατί εμφανίστηκε ένας από τους πιο μεγάλους καρχαρίες τίγρης άμμου, δείχνοντας όλο του το μεγαλείο. Μόλις απομακρύνθηκε πέρασαν και οι υπόλοιποι, αλλά πάλι έπρεπε να περιμένουμε γιατί εμφανίστηκε ένας άλλος ευμεγέθης καρχαρίας τίγρης άμμου ακολοθούμενος από έναν πιο μεγάλο ακόμη.
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Τα καταπράσινα κι όχι μόνο λιβάδια... |
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Η Τίνκερβελ & εγώ.... |
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Όλη η παρέα μαζί. Από τα δεξιά προς αριστερά. Ο Maciek, εγώ, η Σοφία, η Kate & ο Andy. |
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Ήθελε να περάσει.... δίπλα μας!!! |
"Ήρθαν να μας αποχαιρετίσουν... " σκέφτηκα και προχώρησα στο σκοινί από όπου είχαμε καταδυθεί πριν από είκοσι λεπτά. Όλα αυτά συνέβησαν υπό το άγρυπνο βλέμμα της άψογης φωτογράφο μας Gosia, που μας έβγαλε τις εκπληκτικές φωτογραφίες και άλλης μιας εκπαιδεύτριας της Kirsty.
Ανεβαίνω και την ώρα που είμαι πάνω στην πλατφόρμα και έχω βγάλει την μάσκα, με ρωτά η Kate. "Πως ήταν η κατάδυση;"
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Η φωτογράφος μας Gosia με την Σοφία και στο βάθος.... |
"Εκπληκτική εμπειρία, πάμε άλλον ένα γύρο;;; " της είπα χαμογελώντας. Καθώς γυρίζω να δω τι κάνουν οι υπόλοιποι, δύο καρχαρίες τίγρης άμμου κολυμπούν πάνω από τους υπόλοιπους. Ενεργοποιώ την υποβρύχια κάμερά μου, βάζω το χέρι μέσα στο νερό και παίρνω το πλάνο όσο πιο καλύτερα μπορώ. Μετά από λίγο ανεβαίνει η Σοφία, o Andy και ο Maciek
Βιώσαμε μια απίστευτη εμπειρία ζωής, χάρις στην άψογη επαγγελματική κατάρτιση του προσωπικού του Deep Sea World. και ειδικά του Maciek και της Kate. Επίσης ευχαριστήσαμε τους Kirsty.και Chris που ήταν και αυτοί άψογοι στα καθήκοντά τους. Στο τέλος μαζί με την βεβαίωση της βουτιάς μας έδωσαν σαν δώρο από ένα δόντι καρχαρία τίργη άμμου στον καθένα μας.
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Το δώρο: Μικρό αλλά πολύ πολύτιμο!!! |
Έτσι τελείωσε το αναπάντεχο ταξίδι στο Dundee. Σβήστηκε ένα από τα πράγματα που είχαμε να κάνουμε,στην λίστα με την Σοφία σε αυτή την ζωή. Σειρά τώρα έχει η κατάδυση με τον υπέροχο και μεγάλο λευκό καρχαρία!!!
Due to unexpected situations, the Easter-fishing articles in the island of Karpathos will be posted later on ....
The appointment was set several weeks ago. As soon as it was known when dinner would take place, the preparations began. The plan was that Stavroula and I, as official guests, to be present at the dinner that would be provided by the president of Dundee Student Association, which was Sofia Skevofylaka, my daughter.
Translation of the above article.
Title: Scotland...An unexpected journey...
Photo-video: Zacharias Skevofilax, Sophia Skevofylaka, Gosia Kubalczyk & Federica Chiti.
Due to unexpected situations, the Easter-fishing articles in the island of Karpathos will be posted later on ....
The appointment was set several weeks ago. As soon as it was known when dinner would take place, the preparations began. The plan was that Stavroula and I, as official guests, to be present at the dinner that would be provided by the president of Dundee Student Association, which was Sofia Skevofylaka, my daughter.
But the upcoming elections in Greece changed our plans. One month before the election, all civil servants' vacation time off were suspended, as is the case in every election in Greece, so Stavroula stayed behind. Unfortunately I had to travel alone.So the second invitation for the dinner, was used by the mother of Sophia. After a four-hour flight, I arrived late at night in Edinburgh and Sofia picked me up and ended up in Dundee.
(1st picture: Hallo Scotland...)
The next morning, everybody was busy preparing things, until everything was ready. I met a lot of people, since they wanted to meet the president's dad. Eventually the great moment had come and we all gathered in a beautiful decorated hall. There, the glamorous president welcomed us and we sat in our seats and the dinner was served. Approximately 110 VIP of Dundee University were invited, either because of positions they were holding at the university or due to their achievements during this academic year.
When we had finished with our dinner, the main event of the evening started. Sophia stood up and started her speech. (The morning of the same day, I had read her entire speech, at least I thought so, but this little rascal had hidden some parts of her speech.)
So she started, as I expected to start, thanking one-by-one her associates. She talked about what they had accomplished all together, highlighting the group effort of everyone, and changed her speech thanking to her father, mother and Stavroula ... I was speechless and moved. As she continued her speech, I noticed myself very proud, moved sitting in the shadow that the president, my daughter was casting. She finished her speech and all the attendants stood-up applauding her... Then the general secretary of the University of Dundee Dr. Jim McGeorge spoke, praising the president and her staff, saying such successes have not been achieved in the past (1st in Scotland in student experience (in four different areas) as well as 2nd, 4th, 7th and 10th in Great Britain), Closing his speech, Dr. Jim McGeorge announced the latest results of an international survey among 189 universities at the International Student Barometer, that in clubs and athletic clubs Dundee managed and came out first in the world !!!
Then it was the turn of the vice-presidents to address their speeches. One by one, the vice-presidents spoke and each of them awarded the best students, administrators and clubs in the area of their expertise.. At the end, they called on Sofia and they all became one big hug, showing in fact that they were really a well-efficient working strong team. They gave her a lovely bouquet and a gift. Then Sophia called us all to go to the specially decorated corridor where there was a surprise video for the whole team. This video provided the needed time to clean up the hall where the party would take place. When the video was ended, it was time for pictures. Then it was time for parting and dancing. It was already too late for me or rather I could say too early in the next morning. I said goodbye to everyone and let the younger generation to have fun.
(2nd picture: I felt much taller...)
( 3rd picture: From left to right Olaf Postola, Rachel McAulay, Toni McKinney, Craig Reoch, Joely Nicol, Scott Quinn, Sophia Skevofylaka, Claire Hartley, Charlie Kleboe-Rogers, Gosia Kubalczyk, Craig Brown and in the front Stewart Squire and David Gardener. Missing from the picture Katherine Anderson.
The next morning, everybody was busy preparing things, until everything was ready. I met a lot of people, since they wanted to meet the president's dad. Eventually the great moment had come and we all gathered in a beautiful decorated hall. There, the glamorous president welcomed us and we sat in our seats and the dinner was served. Approximately 110 VIP of Dundee University were invited, either because of positions they were holding at the university or due to their achievements during this academic year.
When we had finished with our dinner, the main event of the evening started. Sophia stood up and started her speech. (The morning of the same day, I had read her entire speech, at least I thought so, but this little rascal had hidden some parts of her speech.)
So she started, as I expected to start, thanking one-by-one her associates. She talked about what they had accomplished all together, highlighting the group effort of everyone, and changed her speech thanking to her father, mother and Stavroula ... I was speechless and moved. As she continued her speech, I noticed myself very proud, moved sitting in the shadow that the president, my daughter was casting. She finished her speech and all the attendants stood-up applauding her... Then the general secretary of the University of Dundee Dr. Jim McGeorge spoke, praising the president and her staff, saying such successes have not been achieved in the past (1st in Scotland in student experience (in four different areas) as well as 2nd, 4th, 7th and 10th in Great Britain), Closing his speech, Dr. Jim McGeorge announced the latest results of an international survey among 189 universities at the International Student Barometer, that in clubs and athletic clubs Dundee managed and came out first in the world !!!
Then it was the turn of the vice-presidents to address their speeches. One by one, the vice-presidents spoke and each of them awarded the best students, administrators and clubs in the area of their expertise.. At the end, they called on Sofia and they all became one big hug, showing in fact that they were really a well-efficient working strong team. They gave her a lovely bouquet and a gift. Then Sophia called us all to go to the specially decorated corridor where there was a surprise video for the whole team. This video provided the needed time to clean up the hall where the party would take place. When the video was ended, it was time for pictures. Then it was time for parting and dancing. It was already too late for me or rather I could say too early in the next morning. I said goodbye to everyone and let the younger generation to have fun.
(2nd picture: I felt much taller...)
( 3rd picture: From left to right Olaf Postola, Rachel McAulay, Toni McKinney, Craig Reoch, Joely Nicol, Scott Quinn, Sophia Skevofylaka, Claire Hartley, Charlie Kleboe-Rogers, Gosia Kubalczyk, Craig Brown and in the front Stewart Squire and David Gardener. Missing from the picture Katherine Anderson.
Dundee University Student Association Executive Team!!!)
The next afternoon we went for a walk in Dundee along the river to see the sights. We went to Dundee's V&A, where near by was the sailboat Discovery. Both are among the most beautiful sights of the city. (4th picture: Dundee's V&A and the Discovery). Then we walked in to the McManus Museum. It was though as you were making a journey through time and culture. From the prehistoric people of the region to the present day. Another place that a visitor of Dundee should not miss. (5th picture: The McManus Museum ). Finally we ended up watching the movie End Game, Avengers of Marvel ....
The next afternoon we went for a walk in Dundee along the river to see the sights. We went to Dundee's V&A, where near by was the sailboat Discovery. Both are among the most beautiful sights of the city. (4th picture: Dundee's V&A and the Discovery). Then we walked in to the McManus Museum. It was though as you were making a journey through time and culture. From the prehistoric people of the region to the present day. Another place that a visitor of Dundee should not miss. (5th picture: The McManus Museum ). Finally we ended up watching the movie End Game, Avengers of Marvel ....
(6th picture: A panoramic view of Dundee....)
But as you know my blog is not about social connections, no matter how great or important they are. Besides, this is also said by its title: "Apnea spearfinig with..." So it was not possible not to mention the element of water or the sea in general in this description. The next morning we took the train, Sofia, Gosia and I for North Queensferry.
But as you know my blog is not about social connections, no matter how great or important they are. Besides, this is also said by its title: "Apnea spearfinig with..." So it was not possible not to mention the element of water or the sea in general in this description. The next morning we took the train, Sofia, Gosia and I for North Queensferry.
(7th picture: The Scottish meadows' not necessarily green...) We passed the green and colourful Scottish meadows and in less than an hour we arrived where we wanted, at Deep Sea World. It is an aquarium that has various kinds of fish, seals, snakes etc. The biggest attraction is the main tank where a glass tunnel passes under it, allowing the visitor to see the fish swimming above and next to you. Inside the main tank there were a lot of sea bass. (Dicentrarchus labrax), some fish were about 10 kilos without exaggeration, gilt-head (sea) bream (Sparus aurata), various kinds of sting rays, mullets. (Mugil cephalus), mackerel (Scomber scombrus) and of course sharks. There were small spotted catsharks (Scyliorhinus canicula) (with the well-known spots on their skin) and seven big sand tiger sharks ( Carcharias taurus).They were the main attraction. We went to meet the personnel of the aquarium and after a brief conversation we were ready. You would probably ask for what ??? To scuba dive in the main tank, what else!!!
Our trainer was called Maciek. He calmly explained everything to us in detail. Then we approached the pool where we would put on our uniforms. Together with me and Sophia there was a Scotsman named Andy. We shook hands and started to get dressed. But a small spotted catshark visited us. Maciek told us that we could pet it and the small shark seamed that it did not like and swam away. Then returned immediately for more. This happened 3-4 times before it despaired in the main tank !!! We dressed up with dry suits. I missed my elastic underwater suits in Greece. This dry suit was very tough, not elastic as I used to and I felt like an astronaut. We also wore scuba tanks, had a quick lesson with Maciek and did all the necessary exercises in order to have a safe dive. We went to the diving platform and Maciek asked a volunteer to dive first. Of course I went, then Sophia and finally Andy. The last member of this team was another trainer called Kate. Maciek had warned us that when we were reaching the bottom, the big sharks would be gathering around us because they would think we were going to feed them. So it happened. The moment I dove, Maciek told me to wait for the others and I activated my underwater camera. Two sand tiger sharks, about two metres long each approached us and they left swimming calmly. Looking left and right to get some good video shots, I noticed on my left and several meters away a great shadow approaching slowly. At the same time Sophia had submerged next to me, pointed at me to look up. At that moment, another great sand tiger shark was passing. I video its passing and turned to my left to see the approaching shadow. But instead of the shadow, the presence of a very big fish was clearly visible. It was the biggest sand tiger shark called TinkerBell (from the fairy tale with Peter Pan). TinkerBell is about 3.2 meters long and weighs about 200 kilos. (8th picture: TinkerBell & me...) She came closer, but unfortunately she turned away far enough. I turned to see how Sophia was doing, and another sand tiger shark was passing by beside us. Not even three minutes had passed and all the big sand tiger sharks had come close enough to welcome us. Sting-rays were swimming around us, mullets were staring at us, but the sea basses were staying far away. The small spotted catsharks were passing by very close and many times between our legs. Several visitors were looking at us through the glass tunnel astonished. I'm pretty sure most of them though we were crazy. All of these were happening under the watchful eyes of Maciek and Kate. They were asking us if everything was OK using the diver's sign language and were looking at the air levels in each of our scuba tanks quite often. The sand tiger sharks were passing, and I turned to see how Sofia was doing.
(9th picture: All together, From right to left: Maciek, myself, Sophia, Kate & Andy).
Sophia was sending me hearts joining her hands. All right, then. When I was concentrating on a shark and did not see the others until they had passed by us. I was ecstatic by the greatness of these beautiful creatures. It was the first time I had ever seen sharks so close, while I was swimming. Once I've seen a shark in a fishing expedition and after it made a circle below but much deeper than us, it disappeared, I could barely see its figure, as it circled us.
Maciek signalled us to move forward. As we were moving on the bottom, among the other fish, there were three sand tiger sharks on our right and two others in front of us. Another sand tiger shark decided to pass between me and Maciek, maybe looking for some snack ??? Its behaviour seemed different to what I had experienced so far. We moved away from each other, leaving space for its greatness, to pass. It swam making a circle and then moved away. (10th picture: It wanted to pass... between us !!!). We had reached halfway through our wonderful journey and Maciek jumped some rocks, in order to return back on the other side of the aquarium, as he had told us earlier, during our training. He signalled to me to wait, since another sand tiger shark was coming, followed by a sting ray. Then we were waiting to see what another shark was going to do that was behind Maciek. As soon as it changed its direction, I passed over the rocks, but Sophia, Andy and Kate had to wait for one of the largest sand tiger sharks appeared, showing all its greatness. As soon as it passed, the rest of the team passed over the rocks, but again we had to wait for another big sand tiger shark appeared, followed by a larger one.
"They came to say goodbye to us ..." I thought and walked to the rope from where we had started our dive, twenty minutes ago. All this happened under the watchful eye of Kirsty (another trainer) and our impeccable photographer Gosia, (who took the wonderful pictures that you see). (11th picture: Our photographer Gosia with Sophia and far behind...)
Our trainer was called Maciek. He calmly explained everything to us in detail. Then we approached the pool where we would put on our uniforms. Together with me and Sophia there was a Scotsman named Andy. We shook hands and started to get dressed. But a small spotted catshark visited us. Maciek told us that we could pet it and the small shark seamed that it did not like and swam away. Then returned immediately for more. This happened 3-4 times before it despaired in the main tank !!! We dressed up with dry suits. I missed my elastic underwater suits in Greece. This dry suit was very tough, not elastic as I used to and I felt like an astronaut. We also wore scuba tanks, had a quick lesson with Maciek and did all the necessary exercises in order to have a safe dive. We went to the diving platform and Maciek asked a volunteer to dive first. Of course I went, then Sophia and finally Andy. The last member of this team was another trainer called Kate. Maciek had warned us that when we were reaching the bottom, the big sharks would be gathering around us because they would think we were going to feed them. So it happened. The moment I dove, Maciek told me to wait for the others and I activated my underwater camera. Two sand tiger sharks, about two metres long each approached us and they left swimming calmly. Looking left and right to get some good video shots, I noticed on my left and several meters away a great shadow approaching slowly. At the same time Sophia had submerged next to me, pointed at me to look up. At that moment, another great sand tiger shark was passing. I video its passing and turned to my left to see the approaching shadow. But instead of the shadow, the presence of a very big fish was clearly visible. It was the biggest sand tiger shark called TinkerBell (from the fairy tale with Peter Pan). TinkerBell is about 3.2 meters long and weighs about 200 kilos. (8th picture: TinkerBell & me...) She came closer, but unfortunately she turned away far enough. I turned to see how Sophia was doing, and another sand tiger shark was passing by beside us. Not even three minutes had passed and all the big sand tiger sharks had come close enough to welcome us. Sting-rays were swimming around us, mullets were staring at us, but the sea basses were staying far away. The small spotted catsharks were passing by very close and many times between our legs. Several visitors were looking at us through the glass tunnel astonished. I'm pretty sure most of them though we were crazy. All of these were happening under the watchful eyes of Maciek and Kate. They were asking us if everything was OK using the diver's sign language and were looking at the air levels in each of our scuba tanks quite often. The sand tiger sharks were passing, and I turned to see how Sofia was doing.
(9th picture: All together, From right to left: Maciek, myself, Sophia, Kate & Andy).
Sophia was sending me hearts joining her hands. All right, then. When I was concentrating on a shark and did not see the others until they had passed by us. I was ecstatic by the greatness of these beautiful creatures. It was the first time I had ever seen sharks so close, while I was swimming. Once I've seen a shark in a fishing expedition and after it made a circle below but much deeper than us, it disappeared, I could barely see its figure, as it circled us.
Maciek signalled us to move forward. As we were moving on the bottom, among the other fish, there were three sand tiger sharks on our right and two others in front of us. Another sand tiger shark decided to pass between me and Maciek, maybe looking for some snack ??? Its behaviour seemed different to what I had experienced so far. We moved away from each other, leaving space for its greatness, to pass. It swam making a circle and then moved away. (10th picture: It wanted to pass... between us !!!). We had reached halfway through our wonderful journey and Maciek jumped some rocks, in order to return back on the other side of the aquarium, as he had told us earlier, during our training. He signalled to me to wait, since another sand tiger shark was coming, followed by a sting ray. Then we were waiting to see what another shark was going to do that was behind Maciek. As soon as it changed its direction, I passed over the rocks, but Sophia, Andy and Kate had to wait for one of the largest sand tiger sharks appeared, showing all its greatness. As soon as it passed, the rest of the team passed over the rocks, but again we had to wait for another big sand tiger shark appeared, followed by a larger one.
"They came to say goodbye to us ..." I thought and walked to the rope from where we had started our dive, twenty minutes ago. All this happened under the watchful eye of Kirsty (another trainer) and our impeccable photographer Gosia, (who took the wonderful pictures that you see). (11th picture: Our photographer Gosia with Sophia and far behind...)
I emerged, got on the platform and I took off my mask, when Kate asked. "How was the dive?" "Amazing experience, lets go for another round?" I said to her swilling. As I turned to see what the rest of the team was doing, two sand tiger sharks were swimming above the other divers. I activated my underwater camera, put my hand in the water and tried to video the sharks' passing, as best I could. After a while, Sofia, Andy and Maciek got also on the platform. We had experienced an incredible life experience, thanks to the excellent and professional training of Deep Sea World staff. and especially Maciek and Kate. We also thanked Kirsty and Chris who were also impeccable in their duties. At the end, along with the confirmation for the scuba diving, the trainers gave us, as a gift, a sand tiger shark's tooth, to each one of us. (12th picture: The gift: Small but very precious!!!)
The unexpected trip to Dundee had ended. One of the things that Sophia and I have to do in this life, has been erased from our list. Next one is: the diving with the wonderful great white shark !!! (13th picture: Athens from up above, as I returned home!!!)
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