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Έτσι ήταν ο καιρός το Μ. Σάββατο!!! |
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Όλα τα σφάζω.... 'Ολα τα μαχαιρώνω.... |
Ημέρες του Πάσχα στην Κάρπαθο κυλούσαν μέσα στην απόλυτη ησυχία. Το μελτέμι είχε κοπάσει και η θάλασσα σιγά-σιγά ηρεμούσε. Εννοείται πως πήγαινα για ψάρεμα σχεδόν κάθε μέρα, αλλά τα αποτελέσματα ήταν μηδαμινά. Κάποια στιγμή ήρθε και το κατσικάκι για να το ετοιμάσει η μητέρα μου για την Κυριακή του Πάσχα. Η παράδοση στο νησί είναι να ψήνεται στον ξιλόφουρνο (όσοι έχουν) ή στην ηλεκτρική κουζίνα. Γίνεται γεμιστό και η νοστιμιά του δεν περιγράφεται. Έτσι λοιπόν αποφάσισα να το παίξω χασάπης υπό τις καθοδηγίες της μητέρας μου. Δεν γίνεται να τα έχω με κόρη χασάπη (την Σταυρούλα) και να μην ξέρω τα βασικά. Ξεκίνησα λοιπόν να κόβω όπου μου έλεγε η κυρά Μιμήτσα. «Όχι αυτό, κόψε εδώ, μην το πειράξεις αυτό...κλπ» Τελικά 'εφερα εις πέρας το καθήκον μου....
Μετά βγήκα έξω στον κήπο για να δω τα τεκταινόμενα του πατέρα μου. Ο κήπος είχε αρχίσει σιγά-σιγά να παίρνει την καλοκαιρινή του μορφή. Τα χειμωνιάτικα λαχανικά (μπρόκολα, κουνουπίδια κλπ...) τελείωναν και τα καλοκαιρινά έπαιρναν σειρά. (ντομάτες, πιπεριές, αγγουριές, πεπονιές....) Βοήθησα όσο μπορούσα τον farmer John και η μέρα κύλισε όμορφα και ήσυχα.
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Ο κήπος αλλάζει όψη... |
Το πρωί όμως του Μεγάλου Σαββάτου η θάλασσα είχε κολλήσει πάλι. Γνωρίζοντας ότι το Καρπάθιο μπορεί ξαφνικά να αλλάξει διάθεση και να αγριέψει, μόλις τελείωσε η εκκλησία, για να προλάβω τον καιρό, είπα να πάω για την τελευταία Πασχαλιάτικη βουτιά στην αγαπημένη μου Κάρπαθο. Αποφάσισα να κάνω μια πολύ μεγάλη βουτιά και να διανύσω μια μεγάλη απόσταση. Θα ψάρευα και βαθιά και ρηχά. Τα φόρτωσα όλα και έφυγα για τον ψαρότοπο. Για να μην κολυμπήσω το ίδιο μέρος ξανά, παρκάρισα το αμάξι, ντύθηκα, τα φορτώθηκα όλα και περπάτησα περίπου κανένα χιλιόμετρο. Πέρασα την ράχη του επόμενου κάβου και κατέβηκα στην παραλία του καταϊδρωμένος. Βούτηξα και η θάλασσα μου φάνηκε τόσο δροσερή....
Ξεκίνησα το ψάρεμά μου ψάχνοντας τα λάφυρα που θα μου πρόσφερε η γαλάζια θεά. Στα ρηχά βρήκα δύο καλά μπαρμπούνια. Ειδικά το δεύτερο ήταν πολύ καλό. Ανοίχτηκα μιας και δεν βρήκα τίποτα. Πλησιάζοντας σε ένα κοφτό κατρακύλι, αποφάσισα να αλλάξω ψαροτούφεκο και να πάρω το πιο μακρύ ψαροτούφεκο, μήπως και πάνω στο κοφτό υπήρχε κανένα μεγάλο ροφοειδές. Κάνω την βουτιά, αλλά μάταια. Δεν υπήρχε τίποτε. Κοιτώντας δεξιά-αριστερά, βλέπω δύο μεγάλους αυλόστομους. Γυρίζω στην σημαδούρα, παίρνω το μικρότερο όπλο, αλλά πάνω στην φούρια μου ξέχασα να βάλω την υποβρύχια κάμερά μου κι έτσι έχασα ένα ωραίο πλάνο, καθώς έπιασα τον έναν από τους δύο μεγάλους αυλόστομους. Τακτοποιώ το ψάρι και καθώς παίρνω το μακρύ ψαροτούφεκο, βλέπω λίγο πιο βαθιά έναν μεγάλο σαργό να κόβει βόλτες.
«Δεν νομίζω ότι θα κάτσει καθώς τον πλησιάζω, αλλά δεν έχω κι άλλη επιλογή...» σκέφτηκα. Όταν ετοιμάστηκα βούτηξα όσο πιο αθόρυβα μπορούσα. Προς έκπληξή μου ο σαργός συνέχιζε αμέριμνος να σουλατσάρει στον βυθό. Τον πλησιάζω όσο μπορώ και μόλις είμαι εντός πεδίου βολής, περιμένω και όταν μου έδωσε καλύτερο στόχο πάτησα την σκανδάλη. Η βέργα έφυγε με απίστευτη ταχύτητα, πλήττοντας τον σαργό καίρια. Δεν το πίστευα στα μάτια μου την όλη συμπεριφορά του μεγάλου σαργού. Συνήθως οι σαργοί μόλις με πάρουν χαμπάρι, εξαφανίζονται. Αυτός όμως όχι.
Μάζεψα την βέργα μαζί με τον υπέροχο κιλίσο σαργό. Έκανα μερικές βουτιές ακόμη χωρίς να δω τίποτα το σπουδαίο. Άλλαξα πάλι όπλο και ξεκίνησα το ψαχτήρι σε κάποιες βαθιές πλάκες. Στην βαθύτερη βουτιά μου (-22 μέτρα) έψαξα μια ωραία σπηλιά που στο παρελθόν έχω πάρει μεγάλα μαύρα. Όμως δεν είδα τίποτα. Κοιτώντας δεξιά-αριστερά, είδα λίγο πιο ρηχά κάτι ωραίους σαργούς. Σέρνομαι παράλληλα με την στενόμακρη πλάκα προς τα ψάρια, τα οποία πήγαν να τρυπώσουν στην διπλανή σχισμή που ήξερα. Πρόλαβα κι έριξα στον τελευταίο σαργό και τον έπιασα. Ένα ωραίο ψάρι, λίγο πιο μικρό από τον προηγούμενο σαργό.
Έψαξα τριγύρω και έπιασα άλλους δύο σαργούς. Καθώς τους κρεμώ στην σημαδούρα μου, βλέπω μακριά μου κάτι μεγάλους σκάρους. Κατευθύνομαι προς τα εκεί. Αποφεύγω το κοπάδι και καρτερεύοντας τον αρχηγό. Είναι ένας σκάρος του κιλού!!! Θέλοντας να μην τρομάξω το υπόλοιπο κοπάδι, προσπαθώ να σκοτώσω τον σκάρο για να μην σπαρταρίσει και διώξει όλους τους άλλους. Η βολή όντος έγινε στο κεφάλι του σκάρου, αλλά η βέργα, λόγω της απόστασης γλίστρησε, ξύνοντας το κεφάλι του. Το ψάρι τρύπωσε σοκαρισμένο στην πρώτη πλάκα που βρήκε. Γνωρίζοντας ότι δεν θα μείνει για πολύ εκεί, όπλισα όσο πιο γρήγορα μπορούσα και βούτηξα στην πλάκα όπου είχε τρυπώσει ο σκάρος. Βουτώ και κοιτώ μέσα στην πλάκα. Νομίζω ότι βλέπω το πλαϊνό του πτερύγιο, και ρίχνω. Όμως αυτό που είδα ήταν η ουρά του και τραβώντας έξω την βέργα, ήρθε ανάποδα το ψάρι. Πήρα αγκαλιά τον μεγάλο σκάρο και αναδύθηκα. Έκανα ένα ακόμη καρτέρι και πήρα έναν καλό σκάρο. Άφησα το υπόλοιπο κοπάδι ήσυχο και προχώρησα παρακάτω. Σε κάποιες σχισμές έπιασα άλλους άλλους δύο σαργούς. Αποφάσισα να τερματίσω το ψάρεμά μου σε μια γνωστή αλλά καλή πλάκα αρκετά μακρυά μου. Το δε βάθος της είναι αμελητέο. Καθώς κολυμπώ φτάνω σε έναν τόπο με πολλές πλάκες ανάμεσα στα φύκια. Είναι ένα πονηρό και δύσκολο μέρος, γιατί τα ψάρια όταν τρυπώσουν δύσκολα τα βρίσκεις. Έτσι κι έγινε με δύο καλούς σαργούς. Όμως καθώς αναδύομαι βλέπω κάτι σκιές σε μια πλάκα παρακάτω. Αναδύομαι και βουτώ αμέσως. Αυτήν την φορά υπάρχουν 5-6 μελανούρια κάτω από μια πλάκα. Προλαβαίνω και ρίχνω σε ένα από τα πιο μεγάλα κι έπιασα ένα ψάρι κοντά στο μισό κιλό.
Συνεχίζοντας παρακάτω, παρατηρώ ότι τρέχουν μελανούρια. Σε μια στιγμή τα ψάρια κολυμπούν παράλληλα σε μια μακριά πλάκα. Βουτώ γρήγορα και την ώρα που περνούν από κάτω μου, σημαδεύω ένα από τα πιο μεγάλα και ρίχνω. Πιάνω ένα λίγο πιο μικρό από το προηγούμενο.
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Ο μεγάλος σαργός... |
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Ο βαθύς σαργός... |
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Το μεγαλύτερο μελανούρι... |
«Κάθετη βολή σε μελανούρι!!! Ήθελε να μου το Δώσει αυτό το ψάρι...» σκέφτηκα. Είχα πλησιάσει στο τέρμα που είχα οριοθετήσει τη βουτιά μου. Λίγο πριν την πλάκα που θα έπαιρνα αμπάριζα για το γύρισμα, βλέπω μια ωραία πράσινη πετροχειλού. Το ψάρι είναι περίπου κοντά στο κιλό. Αρέσουν πολύ στον πατέρα η σούπα που κάνουν αυτά τα ψάραι. Την αφίσα να περάσει τις διάφορες πλάκες και μόλις έφτασε δίπλα σε μια σκοτεινή σχισμή, το ψάρι κάπως ηρέμησε. Πήρα μια ανάσα βούτηξα και την έπιασα. Κατόπιν κολύμπησα να βρω τη γνωστή πλάκα. Ξέροντας που είναι, κολύμπησα κοιτώντας τα σημάδια μου και την βρήκα. Όμως δεν είχε ψάρι από κάτω της αλλά πάνω της. Ένας ροφός 2,5-3 κιλά πήρε δρόμο και χώθηκε στην διπλανή πλάκα. Γνωρίζοντας το μέρος καλά, περίμενα να δω που θα πάει ο ροφός, μιας και η πλάκα που μπήκε ήταν διαμπερής. Όντως, το ψάρι βγήκε από την άλλη πλευρά, προσπάθησε να κρυφτεί στην συκιές που σχημάτιζαν οι διάφορες σχισμές, για να καταλήξει έξω απ’ το θαλάμι του. Εκεί στάθηκε σαν λαμπάδα και με κοίταξε. Όταν πλησίασα, έστριψε και χώθηκε μέσα στο θαλάμι του. Φτάνοντας στο σημείο που χώθηκε ο ροφός, περίμενα λιγάκι. Το βάθος ήταν αμελητέο. Το πολύ 5 μέτρα. Μετά από λίγο είδα μια μύτη να προεξέχει από τον βράχο. Τραβήχτηκα λίγο πίσω και βούτηξα. Αυτό έκανε τον ροφό να βγει κι άλλο έξω. Ήμουν έτοιμος, και μόλις ξεπρόβαλα από την πλάκα σημάδεψα και έριξα. Η βέργα πέτυχε το ψάρι στο αριστερό του μάτι. Όλα τώρα είχαν γίνει εύκολα. Τράβηξα έξω τον περίπου 3 κιλά ροφό, τον πήρα αγκαλιά και ανεβήκαμε στην επιφάνεια.
Βασικά εκεί τελείωσε το ψάρεμά μου. Τακτοποίησα το ροφό και τράβηξα για την παραλία. Καθώς πλησιάζω να βγω, βλέπω μεσαίους σαργούς σε κάτι πλάκες. Τα ψάρια αυτά τα γνωρίζω και δεν πιάνονται. Με το που με είδαν σκορπίσανε και μπήκανε σε πολύ δύσκολες τρύπες. Δεν ασχολήθηκα καθόλου, αλλά μου τράβηξε το ενδιαφέρον μια ούγενα που πετάχτηκε από μια μεγάλη και εύκολη πλάκα.
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Να και ο βασιλιάς!!! |
«Άντε, ας κάνω μια τελευταία βουτιά και βγαίνω....» είπα μέσα μου. Βουτώ και κάτω από την πλάκα υπάρχει ένας μεγάλος κέφαλος. Ενστικτωδώς σημαδεύω και ρίχνω. Πιάνω το τελευταίο μου τρόπαιο και βγήκα έξω.
Κοιτώντας το ρολόι μου, είχα κλείσει έξι ώρες ψαρεύοντας και είχα διανύσει πάνω από ένα μίλι. Αφού τακτοποίησα τα πάντα μπήκα μέσα στο αμάξι για να γυρίσω πίσω. Με το που κάθισα στην καρέκλα του οδηγού, εκεί κατάλαβα την κούρασή μου. Ήμουν πτώμα!!! Ευτυχώς οι αποστάσεις στην Κάρπαθο δεν έχει πολύ μεγάλες. Έτσι μετά από μερικά λεπτά ήμουν σπίτι. Ξεκούραση!!! Αφού ξεκουράστηκα αρκετά, τοποθέτησα τα ψάρια κατάλληλα για τις ανάλογες φωτογραφίες. Το καθάρισμα θα γινόταν αύριο.
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Ο κιλίσιος κέφαλος... |
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Το Πάσχα στην Κάρπαθο έλαβε τέλος... |
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Είχε μεγάλη όρεξη... |
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Εμπρός μάρς... |
Όμως ο καιρός έχει αρχίσει να αλλάζει πάλι. Σύννεφα μαζεύτηκαν πάνω το νησί και σε μερικές ώρες έβρεχε. Η βροχή κράτησε όλο το βράδυ. Κάποια στιγμή έριξε και λίγο χαλάζι. Την Κυριακή του Πάσχα νωρίς το πρωί, εγώ και η Σοφία, αναλάβαμε να καθαρίσουμε τα ψάρια. Μας πήρε περίπου ένα δίωρο να το τακτοποιήσουμε όλα. Ο ροφός είχε μεγάλη όρεξη και πήγε φαγωμένος. Είχε καταπιεί ολόκληρο έναν κάβουρα κι έναν γερμανό (ψάρι κι όχι τουρίστα...χαχα).
Κατόπιν στρώθηκε το πασχαλινό τραπέζι, κι ένα γερό τσιμπούσι ξεκίνησε. Το κατσικάκι, η γέμισή του, οι πατάτες του φούρνου μαζί με την ντόπια σαλάτα του πατέρα μου έτρεχαν να σωθούν, αλλά δεν τα κατάφεραν. Εννοείται ότι τσουγκρίζαμε αυγά και νικήτρια βγήκε η κυρά Μιμήτσα. Μας έσπασε όλων τα αυγά!!!
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Και του χρόνου!!! |
Η μέρα κύλησε ήρεμα κι έτσι τελείωσαν οι πασχαλινές διακοπές στην Κάρπαθο. Το καλοκαίρι είναι κοντά. Θα τα ξαναπούμε από την Κάρπαθο όταν έρθει η κατάλληλη ώρα......
Translation of the above article.
Title: Karpathian Sea Easter Gifts... Part 2
Photo-video: Zacharias Skevofilax
(1st picture:This was the weather on Good Saturday!!!)
The Easter days in Karpathos were passing in absolute tranquility, while the NNW winds were calming down. Of course I went fishing almost every day, but my catches were very minimal.
(2nd picture: I am the butcher...).
On Good Thursday, the goat for Easter Sunday's feast arrived. The island's tradition states that it should be baked in an wooden oven (for those who have one) or in the electric one. The goat gets stuffed and tastes delicious. Since I am dating a butcher's daughter (Stavroula), I decided to became a butcher for a while under the guidance of my mother. So I began to cut where Lady Mimitsa was telling me. "Not that, cut it here, do not touch this..... etc ..." Eventually I finish with my butcher's duty...Then I went out to the garden to see what my father was doing. The garden had slowly begun to take its summery look. The winter vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower etc ...) were ending and the summer ones were starting to grow. (tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, cantaloupe ....) I helped Farmer John as much as I could and the day passed smoothly and quietly.
(Picture #3: The garden is changing face...)
But on the morning of the Good Saturday, the sea was motionless again. Knowing that the Karpathian sea can suddenly change and get rough, right after the church has finished, I decided to go for my last Easter dive in my beloved Karpathos. Since it would be my last dive, I decided to fish by covering a great distance. I was planning to fish the shallows as well as the deeper places that I knew. I loaded my gears in my car and drove for the fishing grounds. In order not to swim the same area twice, I parked the car, got dressed, took all the needed fishing gears, and walked about a kilometre. I passed the next cape and climbed down the small cliff and reached the beach very sweaty due to the sunny day. I dove and the sea seemed so cool.... I started my fishing expedition by searching for the gifts the blue goddess would offer me. In the shallow I found two good goatfish, (Mullus surmuletus) Especially the second was a very nice one. I swam to a deeper place since I did not find anything in that bay. As I approached an underwater cliff, I decided to change the speargun and took a longer one in case there was a big grouper around the cliff. I dove, but in vain. Nothing was there. Looking around I saw two big trumpet-fish (Fistularia commersonii). I returned to the buoy, took a smaller speargun, but on my rush I forgot to put on my underwater camera and thus I lost a nice video-shot as I caught one of the two big trumpet-fish. I put the fish on my buoy and as I took the longer speargun, I saw a large white sea-bream (Diplodus sargus) swimming around a deeper rock.
"I do not think it will stay around as I will approach it, but I have no choice..." I thought. When I was ready, I dove as quietly as I could. To my great surprise, the big white sea-bream continued to swam around. I was approaching it as close as I could. When I got in range, I waited to have a better target and then pushed the trigger. The spear left at incredible speed, striking crucially the big white sea-bream. I could not believe what was happening. This was a strange white sea-bream's behaviour. Usually, these fish disappear when they see a diver with a speargun, but this did not!!!
(4th picture: The big white sea-bream...)
I reeled in the spear along with the beautiful white sea-bream I continued my diving without seeing anything great. I took the smaller speargun again and started searching some rocks on the sea bed. At my deepest dive (-22 meters) I searched a nice cave that in the past I had caught some big dusky groupers (Epinephelus guaza). Unfortunately I did not see anything. But as I looked outside of the cave, I saw some nice white sea-breams swimming few meters further. I changed direction and crawled alongside the long-sanded rock towards the fish, which they swam and entered in the next slit that I knew. I aimed at the last fish and pooled the trigger. I caught another white sea-bream, a bit smaller than the previous one.
But on the morning of the Good Saturday, the sea was motionless again. Knowing that the Karpathian sea can suddenly change and get rough, right after the church has finished, I decided to go for my last Easter dive in my beloved Karpathos. Since it would be my last dive, I decided to fish by covering a great distance. I was planning to fish the shallows as well as the deeper places that I knew. I loaded my gears in my car and drove for the fishing grounds. In order not to swim the same area twice, I parked the car, got dressed, took all the needed fishing gears, and walked about a kilometre. I passed the next cape and climbed down the small cliff and reached the beach very sweaty due to the sunny day. I dove and the sea seemed so cool.... I started my fishing expedition by searching for the gifts the blue goddess would offer me. In the shallow I found two good goatfish, (Mullus surmuletus) Especially the second was a very nice one. I swam to a deeper place since I did not find anything in that bay. As I approached an underwater cliff, I decided to change the speargun and took a longer one in case there was a big grouper around the cliff. I dove, but in vain. Nothing was there. Looking around I saw two big trumpet-fish (Fistularia commersonii). I returned to the buoy, took a smaller speargun, but on my rush I forgot to put on my underwater camera and thus I lost a nice video-shot as I caught one of the two big trumpet-fish. I put the fish on my buoy and as I took the longer speargun, I saw a large white sea-bream (Diplodus sargus) swimming around a deeper rock.
"I do not think it will stay around as I will approach it, but I have no choice..." I thought. When I was ready, I dove as quietly as I could. To my great surprise, the big white sea-bream continued to swam around. I was approaching it as close as I could. When I got in range, I waited to have a better target and then pushed the trigger. The spear left at incredible speed, striking crucially the big white sea-bream. I could not believe what was happening. This was a strange white sea-bream's behaviour. Usually, these fish disappear when they see a diver with a speargun, but this did not!!!
(4th picture: The big white sea-bream...)
I reeled in the spear along with the beautiful white sea-bream I continued my diving without seeing anything great. I took the smaller speargun again and started searching some rocks on the sea bed. At my deepest dive (-22 meters) I searched a nice cave that in the past I had caught some big dusky groupers (Epinephelus guaza). Unfortunately I did not see anything. But as I looked outside of the cave, I saw some nice white sea-breams swimming few meters further. I changed direction and crawled alongside the long-sanded rock towards the fish, which they swam and entered in the next slit that I knew. I aimed at the last fish and pooled the trigger. I caught another white sea-bream, a bit smaller than the previous one.
(5th picture: The deepest white sea-bream...)
I searched around and caught two more white sea-breams. As I was putting them on my buoy, I saw some big parrot-fish (Sparisoma cretense) further away from me. I swam towards them. I ignored most of the fish and concentrated towards the leader of the fish, which was the biggest of all. The leader was big parrot-fish about a kilo!!! I tried to kill instantly the leader by shooting it on he head. This way the rest of the part-fish would not be scared. I managed to shoot it on the head, but the spear, due to the distance, just scratched its head. The fish in shock burst under the first rock it found. Knowing that it would not stay for long, I armed my speargun as fast as I could and dove on the rock where the fish was hiding. Looking inside the rock, I thought I saw its side fin and pressed the trigger. But what I saw was its tail and pulling out the shaft, the fish came tale first. I took the big parrot-fish and emerged. In my next ambush, I caught another big parrot-fish. I left the rest of the herd and started searching some rocks. In some slits I caught another two white sea-breams. At that point I decided to end my fishing expedition in a rock at the shallows, that in the past I had caught dusky groupers. As I was swimming, I reached a place with many flat rocks between the seaweed. It is a cunning and difficult place, because if the fish get under the rocks, it is very difficult to catch them. So it happened with two good white sea-brreams. As I was emerging from an unsuccessful search, I noticed some shadows under a nearby rock. I got a fast breath and dove right away. This time there were 5-6 saddled sea-breams (oblada malanura) under the rock. I was able to catch one of the biggest ones which was about half a kilo.
( 6th picture: The biggest saddled sea-bream...)
As I continuing my fishing, I notice that saddled sea-breams were running. At one point the fish swam in parallel to a long rock. I dove quickly and as they pass below me, I aimed at the biggest one and pulled the trigger. I caught one, a little smaller than the previous one.
"Vertical shot on saddled sea-breams, while running!!! The Almighty wanted me to have this fish ... " I thought. At that time I was approaching the end of my diving expedition as I had planned, when I saw a nice green ballan wrasse (labrus bergylta). The fish was about a kilo. My father loves the fish-soup that is made out of this kind of fish. I let the fish to pass from the various rocks and as soon as it came next to a dark slit, the fish calmed down. I took a breath, dove and caught it. Then I swam looking for the rock that I was planning to stop fishing. Unfortunately there was not a dusky grouper under it, as I was expecting, but it was over it. A 2.5-3 kilogram dusky grouper swam under a nearby rock. Knowing the area well, I waited to see where the dusky grouper would go, since that rock that the fish got under could not provide it any cover. Indeed, the fish came out from the other side of the rock, trying to hide in the different shadows and reached its cave. There it turned and looked at me. As I approached, it turned and went into its chamber. I swan even closer to the rock, very quietly and I waited. The depth was negligible, not more than 5 meters. After few seconds, I saw its nose protruding from the rock. I pulled myself a little behind the rock and dove. The curiosity of the dusky grouper made it to come out of its cave even more. I was ready, and when I saw it, aimed at its eye and pulled the trigger. The dusky grouper was shut on its left eye. I pulled out the about 3 kilos fish easily, embraced it and emerged to the surface.
(7th picture: Here is the king!!!)
At that point my fishing was over. I put dusky grouper on my buoy and swam towards the beach. As I approached the beach, I saw some middle white sea-breams. These fish are very familiar with divers. By the time they saw me, they scattered and went into very difficult holes among the bottom rocks. I did not bother to look for them, but my curiosity was attracted by a white sea-bream that was wondering around a rock. As I came closer, it took off.
"I would dive one last time and then I would go out ... " I said Ito myself. Under the rock, there is a big mullet (Mugil cephalus). Instinctively I aimed and shot it. I embraced my last trophy and got out.
(8th picture: The big mullet is caught...)
Looking at my diving watch, I saw that I was fishing for six hours and had covered a distance more that a mile. I put my gears into my car and got ready to returned home. When I sat on the driver's chair, I realized my tiredness. I felt like a corpse !!! Fortunately, the distances in Karpathos are not long. So after a few minutes I was home relaxing!!! After I had enough rest, I placed the fish and took some pictures. The cleaning would be done tomorrow.
(9th picture: Easter fishing in Karpathos is over...)
(10th picture: Let get started...)
(11th picture: It had a great appetite....)
But the weather has begun to change again. Clouds gathered above the island and the rain started in a few hours. The rain lasted all night. At some point along with the rain, hail was fallen too. On Easter Sunday morning, Sofia (my daughter) and I, started to clean the fish. It took us about two hours to clean them all. The dusky grouper had a great appetite before it died. He had swallowed a whole crab and a German ( the fish and not a tourist ...) or it is known as dusky spinefoot (Siganus sp.)
Then the Easter table was laid, and the great feast began, which included, the stuffed goat, the baked potatoes along with my father's salad (from his garden). We devoured everything. According to the Greek Eater tradition we clinked boiled red painted eggs and Lady Mimitsa was the winner. She broke all our eggs!!!
(12th picture: May this happen again next year!!!)
The day passed quietly and thus my Easter holidays in Karpathos has ended..
Summer is coming soon.... I will be back in Karpathos..... at the right time......
I searched around and caught two more white sea-breams. As I was putting them on my buoy, I saw some big parrot-fish (Sparisoma cretense) further away from me. I swam towards them. I ignored most of the fish and concentrated towards the leader of the fish, which was the biggest of all. The leader was big parrot-fish about a kilo!!! I tried to kill instantly the leader by shooting it on he head. This way the rest of the part-fish would not be scared. I managed to shoot it on the head, but the spear, due to the distance, just scratched its head. The fish in shock burst under the first rock it found. Knowing that it would not stay for long, I armed my speargun as fast as I could and dove on the rock where the fish was hiding. Looking inside the rock, I thought I saw its side fin and pressed the trigger. But what I saw was its tail and pulling out the shaft, the fish came tale first. I took the big parrot-fish and emerged. In my next ambush, I caught another big parrot-fish. I left the rest of the herd and started searching some rocks. In some slits I caught another two white sea-breams. At that point I decided to end my fishing expedition in a rock at the shallows, that in the past I had caught dusky groupers. As I was swimming, I reached a place with many flat rocks between the seaweed. It is a cunning and difficult place, because if the fish get under the rocks, it is very difficult to catch them. So it happened with two good white sea-brreams. As I was emerging from an unsuccessful search, I noticed some shadows under a nearby rock. I got a fast breath and dove right away. This time there were 5-6 saddled sea-breams (oblada malanura) under the rock. I was able to catch one of the biggest ones which was about half a kilo.
( 6th picture: The biggest saddled sea-bream...)
As I continuing my fishing, I notice that saddled sea-breams were running. At one point the fish swam in parallel to a long rock. I dove quickly and as they pass below me, I aimed at the biggest one and pulled the trigger. I caught one, a little smaller than the previous one.
"Vertical shot on saddled sea-breams, while running!!! The Almighty wanted me to have this fish ... " I thought. At that time I was approaching the end of my diving expedition as I had planned, when I saw a nice green ballan wrasse (labrus bergylta). The fish was about a kilo. My father loves the fish-soup that is made out of this kind of fish. I let the fish to pass from the various rocks and as soon as it came next to a dark slit, the fish calmed down. I took a breath, dove and caught it. Then I swam looking for the rock that I was planning to stop fishing. Unfortunately there was not a dusky grouper under it, as I was expecting, but it was over it. A 2.5-3 kilogram dusky grouper swam under a nearby rock. Knowing the area well, I waited to see where the dusky grouper would go, since that rock that the fish got under could not provide it any cover. Indeed, the fish came out from the other side of the rock, trying to hide in the different shadows and reached its cave. There it turned and looked at me. As I approached, it turned and went into its chamber. I swan even closer to the rock, very quietly and I waited. The depth was negligible, not more than 5 meters. After few seconds, I saw its nose protruding from the rock. I pulled myself a little behind the rock and dove. The curiosity of the dusky grouper made it to come out of its cave even more. I was ready, and when I saw it, aimed at its eye and pulled the trigger. The dusky grouper was shut on its left eye. I pulled out the about 3 kilos fish easily, embraced it and emerged to the surface.
(7th picture: Here is the king!!!)
At that point my fishing was over. I put dusky grouper on my buoy and swam towards the beach. As I approached the beach, I saw some middle white sea-breams. These fish are very familiar with divers. By the time they saw me, they scattered and went into very difficult holes among the bottom rocks. I did not bother to look for them, but my curiosity was attracted by a white sea-bream that was wondering around a rock. As I came closer, it took off.
"I would dive one last time and then I would go out ... " I said Ito myself. Under the rock, there is a big mullet (Mugil cephalus). Instinctively I aimed and shot it. I embraced my last trophy and got out.
(8th picture: The big mullet is caught...)
Looking at my diving watch, I saw that I was fishing for six hours and had covered a distance more that a mile. I put my gears into my car and got ready to returned home. When I sat on the driver's chair, I realized my tiredness. I felt like a corpse !!! Fortunately, the distances in Karpathos are not long. So after a few minutes I was home relaxing!!! After I had enough rest, I placed the fish and took some pictures. The cleaning would be done tomorrow.
(9th picture: Easter fishing in Karpathos is over...)
(10th picture: Let get started...)
(11th picture: It had a great appetite....)
But the weather has begun to change again. Clouds gathered above the island and the rain started in a few hours. The rain lasted all night. At some point along with the rain, hail was fallen too. On Easter Sunday morning, Sofia (my daughter) and I, started to clean the fish. It took us about two hours to clean them all. The dusky grouper had a great appetite before it died. He had swallowed a whole crab and a German ( the fish and not a tourist ...) or it is known as dusky spinefoot (Siganus sp.)
Then the Easter table was laid, and the great feast began, which included, the stuffed goat, the baked potatoes along with my father's salad (from his garden). We devoured everything. According to the Greek Eater tradition we clinked boiled red painted eggs and Lady Mimitsa was the winner. She broke all our eggs!!!
(12th picture: May this happen again next year!!!)
The day passed quietly and thus my Easter holidays in Karpathos has ended..
Summer is coming soon.... I will be back in Karpathos..... at the right time......
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