Επιτέλους ο καιρός έκοψε και μαλάκωσε αρκετά μετά από τεσσερισήμισι εβδομάδες, για να μπορέσω να βουτήξω σε ένα αγαπημένο μου μέρος. Σκεπτόμενος ότι ο καιρός μπορεί να αλλάξει ξαφνικά, ξύπνησα από τα άγρια χαράματα και ήμουν στο νερό λίγα λεπτά πριν φέξει. Κολύμπησα και έφτασα στον ψαρότοπο που ήθελα, την ώρα που ο ήλιος εμφανίστηκε στον ορίζοντα. Δυστυχώς το μέρος φάνηκε να είχε ψαρευτεί, γιατί είδα πολλούς μικρούς σαργούς χτυπημένους. Πολλά χτυπημένα ψάρια ήταν μικρά σαν την παλάμη μου. Το πρώτο καλό κομμάτι ήταν εντελώς έρημο. Προχώρησα παρακάτω καρτερεύοντας και έπιασα έναν κιλίσιο σκάρο. Μετά νέκρα. Πήγα στα πολύ ρηχά, ελπίζοντας για κανένα μοναχικό Καρπάθικο λαβράκι. Στα διάφορα ξενέρια που υπάρχουν στα ρηχά, εμφανίζονται μπροστά μου πολλοί μικροί κέφαλοι. Τα ψάρια πηγαινοέρχονται νευρικά και εγώ ψάχνω τον θηρευτή. Καθώς προβάλω ......... πίσω από το επόμενο ξενέρι, βλέπω μπροστά μου έναν μεγάλο λούτσο. Το ψάρι κολυμπάει, αλλά μόλις με παίρνει χαμπάρι, σταματάει και με παρατηρεί. Δεν έχω πολλά περιθώρια και κολυμπώ ήρεμα με διαγώνια κατεύθυνση, προς το ψάρι. Εκείνο κολυμπάει ήρεμα κοιτώντας με. Μόλις μπαίνει στο πεδίο βολής του ρίχνω. Ο σπρίντερ της θάλασσας, ξεκινάει ένα ξέφρενο κολύμπι. Εγώ κρατώ το σκοινί τεντωμένο και τον ακολουθώ. Σιγά - σιγά κουράζεται, αλλά παρατηρώ ότι έχει σκιστεί επικίνδυνα και μπορεί να τον χάσω. Έτσι ορμάω πάνω του προσπαθώντας να τον πιάσω από την ουρά και να αποφύγω τα δόντια του. Το ψάρι σπριντάρει και γινόμαστε μαλλιά κουβάρια με το σκοινί του ψαροτούφεκου, καθώς καταφέρνω να τον πιάσω από την ουρά και τα βράγχια. Το ψάρι ήταν μόλις πιασμένο από μια πετσούλα της πλάτης του.
Όλος χαρά τακτοποιώ τον λούτσο ευχαριστώντας τα Ουράνια για το υπέροχό τους δώρο. Λίγο πιο κάτω σε μια στροφή του βυθού κάνω ένα καρτέρι. Σέρνομαι και ξεπροβάλλω από την πλάκα και βλέπω μπροστά μου έναν ωραίο αλλά προβληματισμένο σαργό. Το ψάρι έρχεται καταπάνω μου, σταματάει και με κοιτάει όλος περιέργεια. Δεν χρειάζεται να χρονοτριβώ παραπάνω, σημαδεύω και ρίχνω. Η βέργα πλήττει τον μισόκιλο σαργό στο κέντρο και εγώ περιχαρής μαζεύω τον σαργό.
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Ο σπρίντερ της θάλασσας πιάστηκε!!! |
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Η περιέργεια βλάπτει... |
"Πολύ ωραία... συνεχίζουμε...." σκέφτηκα. Προχωρώ ακόμη πιο ρηχά, αλλά ο βουβός κυματισμός μου κάνει την ζωή δύσκολη. Κάνω ένα καρτέρι γαντζωμένος στον βυθό. Έχει κάποιους σαργούς, αλλά ο έντονος κυματισμός δεν μου επιτρέπει βολή. Αφού κατάφερα να σταθεροποιηθώ, τα μόνα αξιόλογα ψάρια που είχαν μείνει ήταν ένα κοπάδι από σκάρους. Σημάδεψα και έριξα στον πιο μεγάλο και έπιασα ένα ψάρι του κιλού. Πάω ακόμη πιο ρηχά, αλλά τα πράγματα ήταν πολύ δύσκολα λόγω των κυμάτων. Έτσι ενώ έριξα σε έναν μεγάλο σαργό, η βολή έγινε πολύ ψιλά με συνέπεια να σκιστεί το ψάρι και να το χάσω.
"Τουλάχιστον θα ζήσει ...." σκέφτηκα. Έκανα μερικά καρτέρια ακόμη μάταια και έτσι αποφάσισα να πάω λίγο πιο βαθιά. Κάνω ένα καρτέρι αλλά οι σαργοί δεν πλησιάζουν. Σέρνομαι ψάχνοντας σαργούς, όταν βλέπω πάλι σκάρους. Μη βλέποντας σαργούς, ψάχνω τον μεγαλύτερο σκάρο, του ρίχνω και πιάνω έναν ακόμη κοντά στο κιλό.
Το καλό είναι ότι σε πολλά καρτέρια, έβλεπα πολλά ροφάκια και πίγκες μέχρι κιλό. Εννοείται ότι δεν τα πείραξα. Λίγο πιο κάτω καθώς σέρνομαι στον βυθό, έρχεται μπροστά μου ένας κόκκινος σκάρος και τον πιάνω κι αυτόν. Μετά από λίγο πιάνω κι ένα καλό μπαρμπούνι. Συνεχίζω και καθώς σέρνομαι στον βυθό ψάχνοντας, η ματιά μου πιάνει μια κίνηση λίγο πιο μακριά μου, κάτω από μια πλάκα. Προχωράω σιγά-σιγά, προσπαθώντας να καταλάβω πόσο μεγάλο είναι και τι ψάρι είναι. Είναι μια δίκιλη πίγκα, που με παρατηρεί από την σκιά της πλάκας που είναι κρυμμένη. Το ψάρι αιωρείται, έχει γίνει κατάμαυρο και με κοιτάει. Σημαδεύω το κεφάλι της όσο πιο καλά μπορώ και πατώ την σκανδάλη. Η βέργα φεύγει με ιλιγγιώδη ταχύτητα, αλλά η πίγκα προλαβαίνει να στρίψει και η βέργα την πετυχαίνει στην μέση, πλήττοντάς την ακαριαία.
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Ένας ακόμη του κιλού... |
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Δίκιλη ομορφιά!!! |
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Από την φυκιάδα με αγάπη... |
Το απόγευμα ο καιρός δυνάμωσε πάλι φτάνοντας πάλι τα έξι μποφόρ. Το μελτέμι μου έδινε τα διαπιστευτήριά του για μια ακόμη φορά.....
Υ.Γ. Ο λούτσος ήταν δυόμιση κιλά....
Translation of the above article.
Title: My last summer dive in the island of Karpathos.
(1st picture: Finally calm seas!!!)
Photo-video: Zacharias Skevofilax
(7th picture: All the fish together!!!)
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Όλα μαζί!!! |
Title: My last summer dive in the island of Karpathos.
(1st picture: Finally calm seas!!!)
Photo-video: Zacharias Skevofilax
At last the weather had calmed down after four and a half weeks, so that I could dive in one of my favourite place. Thinking that the weather could change at any moment, I woke up very early in the morning and I was in the water a few minutes before the dawn. I swam and reached the fishing area I wanted, just as the sun appeared on the horizon. Unfortunately, the place seemed to have been fished heavily, because I saw many small white sea-bream (Diplodus sargus) had spear marks on their bodies. Many of these fish were as big as my palm. The first good fishing ground was completely empty. I continued fishing and caught my fist one kilo parrotfish (Sparisoma cretense) After that catch nothing big was swimming. I decided to swim to very shallow waters, hoping for a lonely Carpathian sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax). In the various reefs that existed in the shallows, a large school of small mullets (Mugil cephalus) appeared in front of me. The fish were nervous and I tried to find if there was a predator fish around. As I advanced......... behind the next reef, I saw a big barracuda (Sphyraena sphyraena) in front of me. The fish was swimming slowly, but as soon as it realised my presence, it stopped and stared me. The only choice that I had was to swim calmly in a diagonal direction towards the fish's direction. It started swimming calmly looking at me. As soon as I got in the firing range I pulled the trigger, striking the fish. This sprinter of the sea, started a frenzy swimming. I hold the rope stretched out and followed the fish. As time passed, the fish was started getting tired. At that point I noticed that it was torn dangerously and I could lose it. So I rushed towards it, trying to catch the barracuda from its tail avoiding its teeth. The fish sprinted and both of us got tangled with the rope of my speargun, as I managed to catch it from its tail and then from its gills. The fish was just caught by the skin of its back. (2nd picture: The sea sprinter was caught!!!) Full of joy, I placed the fish on my fish-holder thanking the Heavens for their wonderful gift. A little further down I dove for one more ambush. As I was crawling on the sea floor, I popped out of a rock seeing a nice but troubled white sea-bream in front of me. The fish came towards me, stoped and looked at me with curiosity. Without any delay, I aimed and pulled the trigger. The spear stroke the half-kilo white sea-bream in the centre and I happily embraced my catch.
(3rd picture: Curiosity killed the cat...)
(3rd picture: Curiosity killed the cat...)
"Very nice ... lets continue ..." I thought. I swam even to more shallower waters, but the waves made my fishing difficult. I dove ambushing by holding on some rocks. Some nice white sea-breams appeared, but the intense ripple did not allow me to be able to shoot at them. By the time I was able to stabilise myself, the only good size fish swimming around was a school of parrotfish. I aimed at the biggest fish, pulled the trigger and caught a fish of a kilo. I went even shallower waters, but my fishing became very difficult due to the waves. So even thought I shot a big white sea-bream the spear stroke the fish high on its back and the fish was torn and I lost it.
"At least it would live .... "I thought. I did a few ambushes in vain though and so I decided to continue a little deeper. I dove and hide behind some rocks, but the white sea-breams stayed far away. I crawled on the sea floor looking for white sea-breams when I saw parrotfish again. Not seeing any white sea-breams I searched for the biggest fish, and I caught another one close to a kilo.
(4th picture: One more kilo fish...) The positive thing was that I saw a lot of small dusky groupers (Epinephelus guaza) and mottled groupers (Mycteroperca ruby) about a kilo in my ambushes. Of course I did not bother them. A little further away. as I was crawling on the sea floor, a red parrotfish appeared in front of me and I caught it too. Then I caught a nice goatfish (Mullus surmuletus). I continued crawling on the sea bed looking for my next trophy, my gaze catches a slight movement, little bit further beneath a rock. I swam calmly, trying to figure out how big was the fish and what kind it was. It was a two kilo mottled grouper, which was observing me from the shadow of the rock that was hidden. The fish was floating, it had become black and was looking at me. I aimed at its head as carefully as I could and pulled the trigger. The spear flew with a dizzying speed, but the mottled grouper obviated to turn and the spear stroke it in the middle, hitting it instantaneously.
(5th picture: A two kilo beauty!!!)
(4th picture: One more kilo fish...) The positive thing was that I saw a lot of small dusky groupers (Epinephelus guaza) and mottled groupers (Mycteroperca ruby) about a kilo in my ambushes. Of course I did not bother them. A little further away. as I was crawling on the sea floor, a red parrotfish appeared in front of me and I caught it too. Then I caught a nice goatfish (Mullus surmuletus). I continued crawling on the sea bed looking for my next trophy, my gaze catches a slight movement, little bit further beneath a rock. I swam calmly, trying to figure out how big was the fish and what kind it was. It was a two kilo mottled grouper, which was observing me from the shadow of the rock that was hidden. The fish was floating, it had become black and was looking at me. I aimed at its head as carefully as I could and pulled the trigger. The spear flew with a dizzying speed, but the mottled grouper obviated to turn and the spear stroke it in the middle, hitting it instantaneously.
(5th picture: A two kilo beauty!!!)
"Beautiful ..." I said again thanking the Heavens. I decided to swam to the open sea again and go to the posidonia. I had not been fishing it for the past couple years. While I was in the posidonia, I saw a shadow on the sand. I dove ambushing, crawled through the seaweed and got closer to find out, to my surprise, that it was.a small white grouper (Epinephelus aeneus). The fish was about a kilo and all I wanted was a nice video spot. I approached it as much as I could, but after a while the fish hide, without succeeding with my video shot. I searched and found the place I was looking for, while I saw a good size white sea-bream getting under the sea weeds, confirming that I was in the right place. I placed my buoy and after I got ready, I dove. At the entrance, I took a sneak peek to see what was underneath. Five - six good size white sea-breams were swimming. I was trying to have a perfect shot, so the rest white sea-breams would not got scared more. I managed to do it, but the spear got stuck on the other end of the flat rock. I pulled the dead fish out to the surface. I did not have a second speargun, but I had a second spear. I armed my speargun and dove back to the flat rock. There were several fish still under the rock, but I wanted to catch the biggest one. Several second passed, trying to aim at the biggest white sea-bream. I managed to catch a fish of one kilo. I got it in my hands and I killed it immediately. (6th picture: From posidonia with love!!!)
I swam to the other side of the rock and pulled the first spear out. I did not want to catch another white sea-bream, even though there were some fish underneath the rock.
I swam to the other side of the rock and pulled the first spear out. I did not want to catch another white sea-bream, even though there were some fish underneath the rock.
By doing so, the rock will remain alive, hosting various kinds of fish. Proper management of a good fishing ground, will provide fish in the years to come ...
Later in the afternoon the wind became strong again, reaching the six Beaufort again. The NNW wind gave me its credentials once again .....
P.S. The barracuda was two and a half kilos.....
(7th picture: All the fish together!!!)