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Το καλωσόρισμα της Παλέρου!!! |
Φωτογραφία-video: Ζαχαρίας Σκευοφύλαξ
1η μέρα. Φτάσαμε με την Σταυρούλα το βράδυ αργά στην αγαπημένη μας Πάλερο. Η παρέα μας περίμενε και αφού ανταλλάξαμε αγκαλιές και τα απαραίτητα φιλιά την πέσαμε για ύπνο.Το σχέδιο είχε καταστρωθεί. Θα περιελάμβανε πρωινή βουτιά, μετά θα τρώγαμε πρωινό και κατά το μεσημέρι θα πηγαίναμε βόλτα με το σκάφος του Δημήτρη. Το βράδυ όλοι μαζί ψαροφαγία, αν έπιανα κάτι καλό, αλλιώς κάποιο κρεατικό. Πέσαμε για ύπνο κατάκοποι μπορώ να πω. Μέχρι να το καταλάβουμε κοιμόμασταν βαθιά. Κατά τις 1:50 τα χαράματα ξυπνήσαμε από ένα δυνατό κούνημα.
Η Σταυρούλα μου λέει εκνευρισμένα: "Μην κουνιέσαι με ξύπνησες.... Τι κάνεις;;;; χοροπηδάς στο κρεβάτι;;;;"
"Δεν είμαι εγώ, σεισμός είναι!!! Πέσε για ύπνο...." απάντησα. Παρόλο που κουνούσε για αρκετά δευτερόλεπτα, ο ύπνος μας πήρε γρήγορα. Λίγο πριν χαράξει κτύπησε το ξυπνητήρι. Πετάχτηκα και άρχισα να ετοιμάζομαι. Φίλησα την καλή μου και έφυγα για έναν θολό βυθό λόγω των υπόγειων ρεμάτων του. Έφτασα μετά από περίπου μισή ώρα οδήγησης και βούτηξα αμέσως. Όντως ήταν θολά, όπως το περίμενα. Ξεκίνησα τα καρτέρια μου, αλλά ο χτεσινός σεισμός και οι πολλοί μετά-σεισμοί είχαν κάνει το θαύμα τους. Δεν κυκλοφορούσε τίποτα. Συνέχισα απτόητος τα καρτέρια μου. Σε κάποια στιγμή και ενώ είμαι στην επιφάνεια, καμιά εικοσαριά μέτρα πιο πέρα είδα ένα στρογγυλό σκούρο κεφαλάκι να ξεπροβάλει στην επιφάνεια. Μετά χάθηκε.
"Χελώνα ή φώκια;;;" αναρωτήθηκα. Συνέχισα τα καρτέρια μου και σε μια στιγμή εκεί που γυρίζω να δω πόσο είναι η βουτιά μου στο υποβρύχιο ρολόι μου, βλέπω έναν μικρό αστερία πάνω στο γάντι μου. Είναι από αυτούς που υπάρχουν κατά χιλιάδες στον βυθό ανάμεσα στα μύδια.
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Καλώς τον..... |
Αλλά όπως λέει ο σοφός λαός μας: "Άλλαι μεν βουλαί ανθρώπων, άλλα δε Θεός κελεύει." Στο τελευταίο καρτέρι κι ενώ προσγειώνομαι στον βυθό, από δίπλα μου ξεκολλάει μια χελώνα. Τρόμαξα από τον όγκο της καθώς χανόταν στα πολύ θολά νερά.
"Μάλλον έτρωγε τα μύδια..."σκέφτηκα και βγήκα. Οδήγησα αρκετά μακριά και βούτηξα. Ως δια μαγείας τα νερά εδώ ήταν καθαρά, πολύ πιο καθαρά από ότι ήθελα. Πλακώθηκα στα καρτέρια και είδα δύο καλά λαβράκια. Το πρώτο μου ήρθε από πίσω και όταν γύρισα όσο πιο απαλά μπορούσα, εξαφανίστηκε. Το δεύτερο μου ήρθε από εκεί που ήθελα, αλλά με κατάλαβε από μακριά και έστριψε πριν μπει στο βεληνεκές του ψαροτούφεκού μου. Καθώς γυρνούσε να φύγει, είδα ένα παλιό τραύμα στην πλάτη του. Συνέχισα και λίγο πριν πάρω τον δρόμο του γυρισμού, μου ήρθαν διάφορα άσπρα ψάρια. Ένα ήταν το πιο μεγάλο και περίμενα να δω το μέγεθός του πριν ρίξω. Η τσιπούρα με πλησίασε και όταν έστριψε της έριξα από πίσω. Η βέργα την πέτυχε κοντά στην ουρά και της βγήκε δίπλα από το μάτι, ακινητοποιώντας την πάνω στην βέργα. Δεν ήταν μεγάλο ψάρι κι έτσι θα χρειαζόμουν κι άλλα ψάρια για το βραδινό μας. Σε ορισμένα καρτέρια μου ερχόντουσαν κοπάδια από διάφορα ψαράκια σε απίστευτους αριθμούς. Εντύπωση μου έκανε που δεν υπήρχαν μεγάλα ψάρια ανάμεσά τους ή τριγύρω.
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Τα μικρόψαρα παντού.... |
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Επιτέλους!!! |
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Είχε μεγάλη όρεξη.... |
Αφού φάγαμε πρωινό, πήγαμε μια βόλτα με την Σταυρούλα περιμένοντας τους φίλους μας. Μετά από αρκετή ώρα ήρθε ο Δημήτρης με την Αγλαΐα. Ετοιμάσαμε κάτι λιχουδιές και ο καπετάν Δημήτρης μας ταξίδεψε σε μια γαλήνια θάλασσα, που ο απαλός μαΐστρος την ρυτίδιαζε.
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Το μέρος του καπετάν Δημήτρη!!! |
Ο καπετάν Δημήτρης μας πήγε σε μια υπήνεμη παραλία, όπου απολαύσαμε την φύση, την παρέα των φίλων μας και τους εκλεκτούς ντόπιους μεζέδες. Μια υπέροχη ηρεμία απλωνόταν σε αυτό το καταπληκτικό τοπίο. Δεν ακουγόταν τίποτε. Συζητήσαμε διάφορα και αργά το απόγευμα πλεύσαμε για το λιμανάκι της Παλέρου. Το βράδυ ο σεφ Δημήτρης ετοίμασε την σφυρίδα. Την έκανε πετάλι.
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Μμμμμμ..... |
Μαζί με τον βοηθό του (Ζακ), ετοιμάσαμε το ψάρι, το χταπόδι και τις δύο σαλάτες. Τα πιρούνια πήραν φωτιά και όλη η παρέα απόλαυσε ένα λουκούλλειο δείπνο μπορώ να πω. Η βραδιά έκλεισε όμορφα συζητώντας και εξιστορώντας διάφορα γεγονότα.
Πόσο όμορφη γίνεται η ζωή όταν έχεις καλούς φίλους!!!......
2η μέρα. Την επόμενη μέρα, δυστυχώς η παρέα μας έπρεπε να φύγει εκτάκτως. Αποχαιρετίσαμε τους αγαπημένους μας φίλους και δώσαμε ραντεβού στην Αθήνα. Εγώ ετοιμάστηκα.... για τι άλλο... για βουτιά σε ένα άλλο μέρος. Όμως ο καιρός είχε αλλάξει. Ένα δυνατό πεντάρι είχε αντικαταστήσει την χτεσινή μπουνάτσα, θολώνοντας τα νερά. Βούτηξα με ανυπομονησία, μπορώ να πω. Η θολούρα με περίμενε με ανοικτές αγκάλες. Παντού ήταν πολύ θολά. Πήγα στα μέρη που ήξερα και πλακώθηκα στα ρηχά καρτέρια. Τίποτα. Σε κάποια στιγμή είδα μια σκιά να χάνεται στην θολούρα. Ήταν μια ωραία μουρμούρα και της έριξα ενστικτωδώς. Η βέργα την βρήκε στην πλάτη κι εγώ είχα το πρώτο μου καλό ψάρι της ημέρας. Έκανα αρκετές βουτιές όταν είδα μια ούγενα να έρχεται κατά πάνω μου αργά-αργά. Είχα χρόνο να διορθώσω την σκόπευσή μου κι έτσι έπιασα ένα ακόμη καλό ψάρι. Μετά νέκρα. Αποφάσισα να φτάσω στον κάβο που έκοβε τον καιρό και να βουτήξω πιο βαθιά. Όντως έφτασα και τώρα βουτούσα στα -20μ περίπου. Προσγειώθηκα σε έναν λασπώδη βυθό που είχε κάποιες πέτρες που και πού. 'Ενας σικιός πετάχτηκε μπροστά μου και του έριξα. Έπιασα ένα μικρο-μεσαίο ψάρι. Η θολούρα με είχε μπερδέψει και εγώ το νόμιζα για πιο μεγάλο. Στην επόμενη βουτιά μου ήρθαν πολλοί κακαρέλοι. Περίμενα λίγο και όταν είδα ότι δεν υπήρχε κάποιο καλύτερο ψάρι, έριξα κι έπιασα τον μεγαλύτερο. Πηγαίνοντας λίγο πιο βαθιά βρήκα έναν ωραίο τόπο που δεν τον ήξερα. Σπαρμένες πέτρες σε αρκετά μεγάλη απόσταση. Μεριές-μεριές η ορατότητα ήταν κάπως καλύτερη. Σε αυτά τα κομμάτια δεν είδα ένα ψάρι της προκοπής!!! Λες και το ήξεραν και είχαν εξαφανιστεί... Έκανα αρκετές βουτιές και σε μια από αυτές καθώς προσγειώνομαι απαλά στον βυθό στα -22μ. ξεκολλά από δίπλα μου ένας ωραίος σικιός.
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Πολύ αργά... |
Το ψάρι απομακρύνεται διαγώνια, με συνέπεια να μπει στον πεδίο βολής, όπερ και το έπιασα. Στο επόμενο καρτέρι, λίγο πιο ρηχά (-20,2 μ.) προσγειώνομαι δίπλα από μια μεγάλη συστάδα από πέτρες. Κοιτάζω δεξιά -αριστερά και βλέπω κάποια κίνηση δίπλα στην πιο μεγάλη πέτρα. Γυρίζω προς τα εκεί και βλέπω 2-3 μικρούς σικιούς. Παρατηρώντας καλύτερα, βλέπω ότι υπάρχουν και άλλα δύο ψάρια πιο μεγάλα. Σημαδεύω και ρίχνω σε έναν από τους μεγάλους.
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Ένας από τους μεγάλους.... |
Το ψάρι χτυπήθηκε καίρια, αλλά η βέργα βράχωσε. Ανάδυση. Ξεκούραση αρκετή ώρα και ξανά βουτιά. Ήξερα ότι η βολή μου ήταν καλή και γι αυτό δεν βιάστηκα. Όντως με το που έφτασα κάτω, ο σικιός άρχισε να χτυπιέται. Μάταια όμως. Έπιασα την βέργα και την τράβηξα κι αυτή ήρθε εύκολα. Πήρα τον δρόμο για την επιφάνεια σκεπτόμενος "Καλά τα πάμε..."
Τι το ήθελα να το σκεφτώ.... Νέκρα.... Δεν είδα ούτε ένα ψάρι. Εντύπωση μου έκανε η παντελής έλλειψη των λαβρακιών. Ούτε μικρά δεν υπήρχαν. Αποφάσισα να βγω. Ούτως ή άλλως σε λίγο θα νύχτωνε. Προχώρησα πλησιάζοντας τις στεριανές εγκαταστάσεις μιας ιχθυοκαλλιέργειας. Βρήκα κάποιον και τον ρώτησα αν μπορούσα να βουτήξω κάτω από την προβλήτα. Μου απάντησε θετικά αλλά να προσέχω, γιατί έχει πολλά πεσμένα πράγματα και ότι συνήθως δεν έχει και πολύ σπουδαία ψάρια. Τον ευχαρίστησα και χώθηκα από κάτω. Υπήρχε αρκετός χώρος για να κινηθώ στην επιφάνεια χωρίς να χρειάζεται να βουτήξω. Έκανα έναν μεγάλο κύκλο και όντως δεν είδα τίποτα μεγάλο. Αποφασίζω να φύγω. Την ώρα που είμαι σχεδόν έξω από την προβλήτα, η ματιά μου πιάνει μια κίνηση. Κοιτάζω καλύτερα και βλέπω μια ωραία τσιπούρα. Το ψάρι είναι σχεδόν από κάτω μου, αλλά δεν με έχει πάρει χαμπάρι. Μαρμαρώνω κυριολεκτικά. Ενεργοποιώ την υποβρύχια κάμερά μου, σπάω την μέση μου για να βουτήξω και πατάω την σκανδάλη. Η βέργα πλήττει το υπέροχο ψάρι στον σβέρκο.
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Η βασίλισσα του χειμώνα.... |
Τραβώ κοντά μου την τσιπούρα και όπου φύγει-φύγει. Βουτούσα βαθιά και το πιο ωραίο και μεγαλύτερο ψάρι της ημέρας το πήρα σχεδόν από την επιφάνεια. Πήρα αγκαλιά την δίκιλη τσιπούρα και βγήκα έξω χωρίς καν να την ξεψαρίσω..... Εκεί τελείωσε και αυτή η περιπέτειά μας στον Αμβρακικό. Την επομένη το μεσημέρι πήραμε τον δρόμο του γυρισμού για την Αθήνα. Ένα ακόμη υπέροχο τριήμερο μακριά από την μεγαλούπολη είχε λάβει τέλος. Στο επόμενο λοιπόν!!!
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Όλα μαζί της δεύτερης μέρας.... |
Translation of the above article.
1st picture:( The Wellcome of Paleros!!!)
Title: Spearfishing with seismic activities....
Photo-video: Zacharias Skevofilax
Day 1. We arrived with Stavroula late at night in our beloved Paleros. Our friends were waiting us and after we exchanged hugs and the necessary kisses, we went to sleep. The plan was set. It would include a morning dive, then we would have breakfast and at noon we would take a stroll with Dimitris' boat. In the evening, all together, if I had caught something big, we would eat the fish. Otherwise we would barbecue some meat. Having that in mind, we went to sleep very tired and fell asleep immediately, I could say. At 1:50 a.m. a strong shake woke us up.
Stavroula told me: "Stop moving, you wake me up.... Are you jumping on the bed???"
"I am not moving, it's an earthquake. Go to sleep ..." I answered her. Although the earthquake continued for several seconds, we felt asleep quickly. Shortly before the sunrise, the alarm clock woke me up. I jumped out of the bed and started preparing my gear. I kissed my love good-buy and left for a cloudy seabed because of its underground waters. After half an hour driving, I arrived at the designated area that I wanted to fish. I got dressed and dove in a blurry sea, as I expected to be. I started my ambushes, but the last night's earthquake along with the many post-earthquakes had done their job. Nothing was swimming. I continued ambushing in different places without seeing anything worth while catching. At some point, while I was on the surface, about twenty meters away, I saw a round, dark head emerging to the surface. Then it was gone.
"Sea turtle or a seal????" I wondered. I continued my ambushes and at a moment, while I turned to see my dive watch, I saw a small starfish on my glove. It was one of those that there were in thousands on the sea floor between the mussels of the sea bed. (2nd picture: Hi there...)
"Welcome little guy ...." I told it smiling, and that lilliputian creature waved its flexible arms as if was greeting me. I left it gently on the sea bottom and continued my fishing. At a moment, a school of sea basses (Dicentrarchus labrax) appeared in front of me. There were about ten small fish, but there were some bigger ones among them. I aimed and caught one of the biggest ones. When I got it in my hands, I saw it was a 700 gramms sea bass. The blur had deceived me and I thought I had caught a big one. I felt sorry for the small fish ... I did some more ambushes and decided to go out.
But as wise saying: "God's plans differ from ours." At the last ambush and as I landed on the sea floor, a large sea-turtle took off next by me. I got scared by its size as it got lost in the very cloudy waters.
"It was probably munching on the seafloor mussels ..." I thought and went out. I drove far enough and dove. A miracle had occurred and the sea waters were clear here, more clearer than I wanted. I started my ambushes and saw two big sea-basses. The first one came from behind me and when I turned as gently as I could, it disappeared quickly. The second one came from the right direction, but it realised my presence, turned and got lost before entering the firing range of my speargun. As it swam away, I saw an old trauma on its back. I went on ambushing and just before I decided to return, some white sea breams (Diplodus sargus) appeared. I consentaited on the biggest fish, which was a gilt-head (sea) bream (Sparus aurata) and I waited to see its size before I pulled the trigger. The gilt-head (sea) bream approached me and when it turned away from me, I pulled the trigger. The spear stoke it near its tail and came out next to its eye, immobilising the fish on the spear. It was not a very big fish, so we would need more fish for our dinner. In some ambushes schools of various fishes in incredible numbers were appearing in front of me. I was very surprised that there were no big fish between or around them. (3rd picture: The small size fish were all over....)
I decided to return following a different route towards the open sea. As I was approaching the sea floor, a small dusky grouper (Epinephelus guaza) appeared in front of me. It was about a kilo and I ignored it, but next to it there was a white grouper (Epinephelus aeneus) !!! The fish took off a little further, turned and looked at me. I swam as calmly as I could trying to approach it and dove. As I was getting ready to pull the trigger, the white grouper swam away from me. I emerged and followed it. The same thing happen again, only this time I followed it by swimming under water. The fish stopped and waited to see what I was going to do. Τhe fish was waiting me sideway, giving me the opportunity to admire its beauty and its beautiful colours, but with an irritated face! As I was ready to pull the trigger, it swam away and got under a rock. A quick breath and dove, approached the rock and searched for the fish. But the fish was gone. There was a siphon under the flat rock and the fish came in on one side and left from the other side without seeing it. Probably the time I dove, it was escaping from the other side of the rock. I was disappointed and decided to swam around, making a large circle looking for it. Indeed after few minutes I found it lied on the sandy sea floor. Tried to dive but the white grouper took off again. The fish was not letting me to approach it. After a while it got under a rock again. I dove immediately, but as I was approaching the rock, it jumped out from the other side of the rock. I tried to keep up with it. The fish had become much more nervous and did not let me to approach it at all. I swam following it as fast and calm as I could. As it passed over some seaweed I lost it ... I decide to swim covering a large area as I did before. At some point, while I have not seen the fish, as I swam passing over some seaweeds, the white grouper took off under my fins. Another frantic chase began. The fish was swimming changing directions. It was doing some crazy zigzags, while I was trying to follow it. After a while, the white grouper rushed under a narrow but long rock on the sea floor. Clouds of sand were poring out of the rock. A lot of black damselfish (Chromis chromis) gathered around the entrance of the rock (a sign that the big predator-fish was there) but after a while they scattered indifferently. I looked carefully the rock, trying to find out if there was another exit for the fish to use it again. I decided not to approach from where the fish had entered the rock but a little bit further towards the centre of the flat rock. I took a deep breath and dove. The rock had a deep slit that ended up in the sandy seabed. I turned on the flashlight and I saw its body. Immediately I turned off the flashlight and figured out where its head was, turned on the flashlight again and the head of the fish appeared in front of my eyes!!! Without second thoughts I pulled the trigger. Clouds of sand rose from the rock once more. I continued my dive and pulled the fish from where it would probably escape. The white grouper came out with the spear that had penetrated just below its eye and has come out next to its mouth. I grabbed the fish immediately and I emerged. But the rope of the speargun was tangled among the rocks and it took me few seconds to solve this unexpected crisis. (4th picture: At last...)I admired this beautiful creature that would be our dinner, kissed and got out of the water. My fishing had gone unexpectedly well. This fish was the first white grouper I had even seen and caught in this place !!! The fish weighed three kilos. I wore my cloths and cleaned the fish. In side the white grouper's stomach I found a half digested gilt-head (sea) bream and a tiny conger eel (Congridae) !!!
(5th picture: It had a great appetite...)
(5th picture: It had a great appetite...)
After breakfast, we went for a walk with Stavroula waiting for our friends. When Dimitris and Aglaia arrived, we prepared some delicacies and with captain Dimitris and us sailed in a serene sea that the gentle NNW winds were barely wrinkled. Captain Dimitris took us to a leeward beach, where we enjoyed the nature, our friendship and of course the exquisite local appetisers. A wonderful tranquility stretched out through this amazing landscape. Everything was so quiet and calm. We talked a lot and late afternoon we sailed for the port of Paleros. (6th picture: The beautiful place of captain Dimitris....) In the evening, Chef Dimitris prepared the white grouper. He prepared the fish according to a local recipe called "petali". Together with his assistant (Zac), we prepared the fish, the octopus and the two salads. The forks were on fire and all of us enjoyed a delicious dinner. I could say. The evening closed nicely by discussing several events-stories. (7th picture: Chef Dimitris...)
(8th picture: No comments...)
(8th picture: No comments...)
How beautiful becomes life when you have good friends !!! ......
Day 2. Unfortunately, the next day, our friends had to leave due to an unexpected event. We goodbyed our beloved friends but we were going to meet them soon in Athens. I got ready ... for what else ... to dive into another place. But the weather had changed. Five Beaufort NNW winds had replaced the yesterday's calmness, blurring the waters. I dove eagerly, in the new fishing ground. The blur waited for me with open arms. Everywhere, it was very cloudy. I went to the places I knew and started ambushing in the shallow plains. Nothing. At some point I saw a shadow being lost in the blur. It was a nice striped sea-bream (Lithognathus mormyrus) and I fired instinctively. The spear stroke the fish on its back and I caught my first good fish of the day. After few dives when I saw a shaprsnout sea-bream (Diplodus putanzzo) swimming slowly towards me. I had time to correct my aiming and so I caught another good fish. Then nothing again. I decided to swim to the nearby cape that was stopping the waves, so I could dive deeper. I started diving around -20m. I landed on a muddy bottom that had some stones here and there. A corvina (Sciaena umbra) took off in front of me and I was able to catch it. I caught a small fish. The blur had confused me ones more and I thought it was much bigger. On the next a school of two-banded sea bream (Diplodus vulgaris) approached me. I waited for a while and when I saw there was no any other bigger fish around, I caught one of the biggest one. I continued diving a little deeper I found a nice place I did not know its existence. Single stones all over the place at a fairly long distance. In some areas, the visibility was somewhat better. In these areas I did not see a single large fish!!! As if they knew I was coming and disappeared ... I did a lot of dives. In one of them as I landed gently on the bottom at -22m, a nice corvina started swimming away beside me.
(9th picture: Too late...) The fish was moving diagonally in-front of me and I caught it. At the next dive, slightly shallower (-20.2 m), I landed next to a large cluster of stones. Searching around I saw some fish next to the biggest stone. I turned towards the big rock and saw 2-3 small corvina. Looking more carefully I realised that there were two bigger fish near-by. I aimed and pulled the trigger. The fish was hit, but the spear got stuck under the rock. I emerged and relaxed for a long time. I knew my shot was good and that's why I was not in a hurry to dive again. Indeed, when I returned, the fish started to shake violently. In vain though. I took the spear and pulled it out of the rock easily. I swam towards the surface thinking "So far, so good...". (10th picture: One of the bigger ones...)
(9th picture: Too late...) The fish was moving diagonally in-front of me and I caught it. At the next dive, slightly shallower (-20.2 m), I landed next to a large cluster of stones. Searching around I saw some fish next to the biggest stone. I turned towards the big rock and saw 2-3 small corvina. Looking more carefully I realised that there were two bigger fish near-by. I aimed and pulled the trigger. The fish was hit, but the spear got stuck under the rock. I emerged and relaxed for a long time. I knew my shot was good and that's why I was not in a hurry to dive again. Indeed, when I returned, the fish started to shake violently. In vain though. I took the spear and pulled it out of the rock easily. I swam towards the surface thinking "So far, so good...". (10th picture: One of the bigger ones...)
What did I want to think about it ... Desert.... I did not see a single fish. I was impressed (negatively) by the total lack of sea bass. Not even small sea bass were present. I decided to go out. Anyway in less than an hour it would be dark, since the night was approaching. As I approached the beach, I swan towards a fish farm. I found someone and asked him if I could dive under the jetty. He answered me positively but I must be careful because there were a lot of fallen things and usually there were not any large size fish under it. I thanked him and I got under the jetty. There was plenty of room to move on the surface without having to dive. I did a big circle under the jetty but I did not really see anything big. I decided to leave. While I'm almost out of the jetty, my eyes caught a movement. Looking more carefully I saw a nice gilt-head (sea) bream. The fish was almost under me, but it seemed that it did not realised my presence. I was literally petrified. I activate my underwater camera, I bended my waist to dive and I pulled the trigger. The spear stroke the wonderful fish in its neck. I pulled the gilt-head (sea) bream into my arms and left quietly. I had been diving in to the deep waters, but the most beautiful and biggest fish of the day, I caught it almost from the surface.
(11th picture: The winter queen!!!) Embracing the two kilos gilt-head sea bream and I went out without even taking the spear out of the fish ..... At that moment, our adventure ended in Amvrakikos bay. The following day we got our way back to Athens. Another wonderful weekend away from the city had ended. To the next one!!! (12th picture: All the trophies of the second day...)
(11th picture: The winter queen!!!) Embracing the two kilos gilt-head sea bream and I went out without even taking the spear out of the fish ..... At that moment, our adventure ended in Amvrakikos bay. The following day we got our way back to Athens. Another wonderful weekend away from the city had ended. To the next one!!! (12th picture: All the trophies of the second day...)